Sunday, March 6, 2011

Your DNA Activation IS COMPLETE

Imagine if, in one instant all your dreams came true!
This is the moment.

Imagine, just imagine!

Now make this imagining a solid core belief!


Biologically, you have been programmed from the very beginning of time itself, with latent unwired information strands within the cells of your body(s). These were codes placed in time to be triggered in time through time release activations of light. Many of you are aware of these trigger words "DNA Activation"....and many more of you have direct or vague memory of this taking place in your body, either through healing work, a massage session, Lightbeing visits or dreamstate activations. Your guide realms have been working dilligently and painstakingly to attune you, second by second, on your 3D time clock to now resonate with the galactic core clock, frequency strands of light. With these newly fired up strands you are now entrained to the galactic realms of existence. This means that anything your heart desires can and will be manifested, to say the least, and you have been endowed with a renewed High Profile Holographic Blueprint at this time. Your galactic telepathy is fully open now, clairvoyance is mainstream and old hat, many of you may have received your new order-contracts in the form of a scroll by now, which means, you have access to the universal collective information realms, and a newly re-defined High Profile Life Purpose is soon to reveal itself. Your relationships are shifting into an ever-expanding flow to higher and better forms of Right Relating. Many Golden Children of 13strands are arriving now to ground and amplify these energies to assist each and every one of you in your own personal process. Mothers and Fathers of Golden Children will unite soon also in support of  Peace.

YOU, open ONES, receive ALL!
It is a gift to be fully alive, and through realizing that the Time Matrix no longer exists,  this helps one flow into higher dimensional realities. Being locked in time for over 25,000 has taken its toll on humanity and on Mother Earth. The Certified Golden Beings of Light come to serve after one surrenders to all modalities. As each day passes, the particles within Earth's field pulsate at higher and higher rates, as the incoming planetary and galactic pulsations arrive to meet Her auric field. This is, as you are aware, a spectacular cycle ending and a new one beginning. Those of you with activated full strand DNA will touch the lives of others on the planet at this time. It can happen through a simple handshake, auric field sharing, merging, distance attunements, and many other ways. It can only be done mindfully, with compassion and  one "receives entry", as The ONE Heart must resonate completely to pass through the dimensional rings of light. Only Certified Light Beings can see through to the core. All is seen clearly from the higher realms. This is to notify you of YOUR full activation.
Now individually you will be reunited with the universal Seed of Light. This is your 13th dimensional Blueprint fingerprint.One is no longer lost but found!

What does all this mean?  in a nutshell....You will see, smell and hear things that others cannot, to be of higher guidence to others close to you. You will get "the news" before seeing it on T.V.! All of your seven higher senses will be awakened. You will rejuvenate your body through thought, emotionally you will see through the daily drama and extend loving yet detached compassion to others. You will gain vitality and confidence and this will be extended and shared with others, you will heal and attune others. Spontaneous healings may take place.You will awaken new gifts and passions. You will attract your soulmate. The Earth will tell you of Her upcoming events. A Golden Child may choose to be born through you, as you are a living vessel of light which can receive higher frequency cellular makeup.
and there is so much more!!!

you are consciously fully activated for 13D ascension timetables now!

Liquid Light

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