Thursday, February 24, 2011

Arrow Placement within Realities

The web of light is a splendid woven masterpiece, a fabric in time and no-time. It goes beyond even one's imagined imaginative capabilities of perception. A birth tunnel of light weaves our beingness into greater reality perceptions. It is an even a bigger, more golden, collective masterpiece of creation than ever before broadcasted, that is appearing.Many observe and witness. It is hitting the box-office now! This light pathway will remain open for a short duration.This is a conscious opportunity of choice to serve. It is to assist in personal and collective purification and to provide smooth transition points for all. As we travel together, throughout everyday experience, we will witness that many will be taking an OFF RAMP in another direction. disheartened feelings may arise, we must lovingly let go. Personality must loosen its grip and transform. True merging is a heart supplication which releases psychochemicals into the bloodstream for smoother and more rapid passage. This may be extremely painful and show itself as a great loss. There is however higher perception within the birthing tunnel. Each has his\her own direction point. Some, it may appear, will turn off sooner than others. Collective transitions will occur, as well, and many many transitions are at hand, yet this serves ALL in greater plan. Many are in the thick of this right now. Hold strong, within these waves. Each physical-soul is woven within the ONEtapestry of time, as a specialized love vibrational particle unit, specifically incarnated for divine purpose, conscious or unconscious, as it may be. The ONEheart fuses and bonds together more solidly through perceived crisis. pain=expanded growth.
One's spiritualized growth in physical form accelerates rapidly through ALLfeeling in human form.

BE ONEheart NOW.
stay with it.

Many reside already in the NEW EARTH.
It is REAL.
Many will go first, to pave the way, to be the higher vibrational wayshowers from to time into no-time.
Many of you have contact with friends residing there now.
they will meet you later along the way, or come in dreams to assist,
Conscious transition is the personal and the collective goal,
it is the sagitarrian archer, pointing THE arrow-self upwards,
fusing matter-spirit, allowing the archer to see beyond,
bonding all knowledge memory as ONE,

The target is NEW EARTH,
it is there for all,
Earth-love is birthed into new form,
through you,
ASK for help from your angels and guides,
after all your exhausting tests and trials,
for final assistance,  in order to burn the last remnants of self,
which are too deep for you yourself to be rid of on your own,
BE, in gratefulness, the ONEbeing,
Exist eternally,
YOU exist !

waves of love,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Earth Speaks

The earth births herself at this time. Contractions are beginning, the cycles of her form are tightening upon her body. She is birthing herself from the fourth to the fifth solar cycle. It has been calculated in stone records and we arrive with her upon the shores of her birthing waters. The much sensationalized date of 2012 should not be one's focus. Many are becoming aware that NOW is the time of The Great Transition. We are being bridged by HER to new living experience. The fourth experience is compete, the fifth is in sight, yet not completely anchored here. SHE bridges us through the birth canal of the rainbow bridge. She is laboring and we must work with her. This means we must resonate with her completely.

The broadcasting of end of the world news is incorrect information. Purification is necessary to purge the unnecessary particles into new form. The fifth solar cycle is of a celestial cycle, grander than any of our experience so far on earth. 26,000 years of anticipation brings us to this collective celestial event. It is a time of light beginnings. We must all be HEART, ONE HEART. The simplicity of this message can make or break you. "Two Hearts" (of separation) are broken hearts. We have returned to gather together the rainbow threads of all the diverse tribes to create a collective rainbow web of new creation. This plan was set forth in the past, the present and in the future timelines. We are particalizing ourselves to transition smoothly into the Golden Earth of Light. We have walked the path of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and now the etheric element flows into this reality of experience. The present Sun cycle brings forth these emanations. The vibration is higher than previous cycles, therefore all beings in form must have INTEGRITY as glue.

Put forth loving compassion and loving kindness in all your moments now. The Earth and HER inhabitants need you! As each perception is truth, know that each person is placed in his or her dynamic energetic position now. Placement on the worldly and dimensional maps is done according to one's evolutionary advancement. You are being called to work the light wherever you are now!

Unified diversity is now crucial.
Come together now.

The cosmic energies are already flowing to earth for these changes. The cosmic cross must be place in each heart center now to be able to allign with the upcoming galactic cross point. It is apparent from the global news that IT IS HAPPENING. The first transition cycle of the material world has been completed and the earth is deeply within next intense birthing cycle. It is difficult and painful. It is a very delicate moment where realities are crashing all around, daily. The material structures of money-energy must be upgraded and refined. There will be more tumbling of realities.The increase surges of solar waves accelerates the physical changes of this purification transitional cycle. Prophecy speaks through the Earth voice now, whether one believes it or not; one must be in flow with the changes, to partake fully in the experience.

Colassal changes are here.
The old is always replaced by the new.
This powerful wake-up, shake-up call is to rattle the particles of all existence,
to rise up to our Collective Light Calling,
to illuminate our experience into brighter and more loving form,
This is the convergence of all tribes into higher collective expression.
The ancestors and the indigenous elders know,
This is the time of the Galactic Medicine Wheel Ceremony.
I call all colors of the rainbow to gather together now in your hearts.

THE LIGHT MUST UNITE COMPLETELY. Differences dissolve, diversity is embraced.
Collectively the powerful energies must be transformed into higher spiritualized form.
Make peace your daily intention. Take a moment to light a candle daily. UNITE in the LIGHT.
The importance of each is crucial to the power of the collective. Honor all.
Embrace all beings in their transitional moments. Each will be placed accordingly within the light gradients of measured existence. Keep visiting the sacred spaces on earth, as the measured resonances will continue to arrive and assist all who choose to receive. The spiral of the fifth Earth has been linked now. Work with the element of ether, play with it, experiment with it. It is the new silly putty of this era. Place it in your hands and heart to form all loving updated structures. Know that energy is all matter.

breath it,
eat it,
love it,
create with it,
Be the light,
share it,

peace is the rainbow,
blessings of love,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jumping through Hoops

The Circus Act of all time is here.

There are rings in time and outside of time available here on earth for all to play with and master. The rings are circular hoops in you hands. They are the rainbow rings now available for all. Many have had them already placed upon their wrists or in place in their hands already, but not many know what to do with them, or how they can serve one. They may appear simply as adornments or jewelry at first in the dreamstates. Ironically, many individuals currently choose to actually wear rainbow bracelets . This symbolizes harmonic union of the self, representing balance within the 7 chakra wheels of the physical and etheric body(s). Yogic-fusion =Happy union. The fusion of one's state of being.

These seven rings have become an everyday circus act for you all. A Piece of cake! It has become SO easy to play with all the colors. You LIKE all the colors. Up and down the spine the fibrotic pathways have been consistently laid down. Now there is enough circuitry transference to add a few more rings to your balancing act.

You are ALL ring masters!

Master Performers of the Light!

As you become more proficient in the juggling of your multi-rings, you can begin to toss them to others! Back and forth, from all directions, until a beautiful raibow Web of Light is fused and woven together. This New Earth Expression is here!This is the fusion of many talents into one production! Orchestration becomes more complex. You can toss them across the globe, and receive rings from others also. These are unified information bands which also can be tossed across time and space. Some of you may have actually received them in this way from a Mayan shamana or from a Pleiadian Light Being guide.

New technologies arrive, new structures in form, new infinite resources, new means of relating, new medicines, new jobs for all....a whole New World is here. This is the Golden Ring. Take hold of it and then pass it to others through your creative expression on Earth. The golden threads of Light are currently fusing the tangible with the intangible in a whole new experience for all is unfolding into creation.

This is a multi-hula hoop experience!
Have fun in this Golden Collective Show!
Join the Rainbow Band!

peace and love,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Gap

Golden Means

There is perceived space between our moments. This is TIME. It is important to note that these gap realities are no longer in focus. As the physical body acquires finer softness in its structure, the cellular particles of form vibrate more rapidly, and the edges of time dissolve into a spiral of infinite expression. It will feel as if the moments of physical time are floating in a golden river. Watches are removed. Linear time becomes natural time, and flows as fibonacci golden code streams. This translates into all sensual expression on earth. The underlying golden matrix is then seen by those who entrain and resonate in these natural states of  Golden Time. Time and No-time are one expression. Now is the opportunistic moment to experience this in physical reality for the first time ever collectively. Share in this bubbling golden experience with your family and friends. Time, as before, is no longer. Advancement in evolutionary developement is at hand.
As moments flow, one still keeps track of time, in process, the holidays seem to merge as one complete moment of bliss. They may appear to come faster and faster, the 4seasons may even appear in one month's time. This is a result of the vibratory waves arriving to earth as cosmic emanations, in order to attune, speed up the pace of collectiveness in form vibrations.

The memories are retained as DNA footage as cellular matrix packages. Past-Present-Future footage fuses and becomes completely available for access and usage at any given time. One's limitless access to all realms becomes the norm. This is highly beneficial for all human forms, as it also determines one's (upcoming)         personal joy experiences.


The gap is closing. This does not limit expression but expands upon the Golden Moments and Golden Memories. There is no loss but onely gain in this collective evolutionary expression. We all share the momories of all time. By sharing, all knowledge of experience is gained collectively through loving advancement. Human-ness becomes radiant expression. Smiles become brighter, eyes glow as diamond suns and reflect back and forth across all time as diamonds in the sky!

Breath and BE AT EASE in knowing that you are living golden moments
in the river of life,
be the river of love,
dissolve the gap,
gracious timelessness,

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crystal Magic

There are wizard attributes which are awaking in you every day. These gifts are actually your innate nature. Your Natural Nature.  Many of you have seen them unfolding within yourselves over the years, but now heightened gifts arrive and you may feel a bit stretched and overwhelmed by them, at times. It is not however about the Magic in Neon nor about sensationizing what you can do, and what others cannot do, but simply it is about BEING AT ONE with the energy and lovingly and selflessly sharing it. Mainstream humans are excited about the show of these abilities, creating center stage events and magic shows. Broadcasting these magical acts limits the field of experience, yet it is perfection, at any level of experience, in that the mainstream world can get a glimpse of an aspect of this colossal gifted potential. It, in fact, is so much more than meets the tv screen. You are spiritualized humans, you ARE luminous. When the light filaments light up fully and shine at their optimum power, circuitry switches on and a full array of these magical activities becomes gradually one's every day experience.

Being at one with the energy may seem simple and easy, and even cliche, yet one must be impeccably selfless in loving intention. Harmonizing with the same energy requires powerful intent of action. Advanced actions are only available for heightened energy love servers. Full Hearted people receive quickly the re-activation of their full natural nature. Practive advanced kindness measures now. Most of you have been incarnated with the gifts of sight and of hearing, there are many levels to these. Start simple and go slowly through your sentient unfoldment. Let the experiences speak to you. Recognize them consciously as YOUR nature, in any given moment. Again broadcasting is not necessary, only share with those like-minded souls, as intuitions guide. Many of you have been\will be called to use these (new) abilities with awakening souls on earth. Share your gifts with your light family now. This will allow an exponential spontaneous unfoldment of magic to appear on the world screen.

Harmonizing with advanced equal energy actions will encourage others to share their talents. It is not about being psychic, it is about knowing yourself and your true unfolding innate nature. These gifts are natural attributes, they are not "out there", they are within. They are not just in the other. You, TOO, retain this innate nature within your cellular structure. Some talents may be more pronounced in some than in others, but all will have full activational high frequency abilities. It goes hand in hand with one's selfless nature AND scientific nature of the times.

Harmonizing equal energies sings "like" songs. These similar songs are heard by physical objects and melt in structure to blend with the same some photon energy. Receive-Give-infinitely. It can work for anything, the sky's the limit! Be the energy of another for a moment. Practice the feeling, then use the images that you see, sense and feel to serve the other in loving action. This is also the way to unlock Earth's Library. Practice harmonizing with equal light particle energies of the mountains, the rivers, the individual animals, the sacred trees, the crystals, the boulders....and a whole new literal library of useful information will be at your fingertips. Fly to new heights with these newly found talents and share with all your fellow navigators.


Luminous omnipresence,

shimmering graciousness,


Friday, February 18, 2011

Seed thoughts for Starseeds

To know and believe in one's innate star nature, one must "feel" it tangibly in one's bones. Multi-expression headlines trickle in to one's circuitry through liquid light fiberoptic steams. The only mind that can view, is the NO-MIND, the mind of the tao. This is the silent natural nonattached perceptive mind. This mind has established even-ness. It is the mind which does not judge. It is the mind that has no cause...of the Light, nor of the dark. The mind of the tao is a silently mindful nothingness mind where all has been let go of, and all that remains is nothing. There is nothing to acheive or gain, it remains humble unto itself. It knows that action and nonaction are one unto the same. Mindful action and mindful nonaction ebb and flows in one's day, in symphonic harmony.


Your natural state is a STAR SELF. Just as water has many physical states, so do you. As you experiment with your self, a new SELF begins to reveal itself. These are moments in which one's shining glory can be seen by ourselves or others, in which we feel ecstaticly happy beyond earthly belief.

The star self has a center point which is your heart region within the physical body. This region is high-wired to other heart-self regions. Your physical heart region is your dial to ALL channel stations. This is the heart box for all your entertainment needs! It is your skybox! The heart is what allows you to view all viewing channels,  movies, paid any region of your choice! Everyone wants satellite viewing, well this is the new server...from Cosmic TV. So from the loving and humble heart the movies begin to play. For those of you who can "see", this will come easily, for those of you who are still getting circuitry attunements in the dreamtime, it will come through lucid dreaming first, then trickle into your present moments. There is a shock factor which needs a gap in time to adsorb the big changes that are occuring within and without the physical body. Be patient and love yourself, as you are in process. You are loved and celebrated, more than can be perceived!

Imagine yourself as a sundial or as a compass of the heart. A burst of sun ray comes from your heart center area. Close your physical eyes and bring your mind into your heart. See the heart sun dial and spin it, as you would a washing machine dial to turn on your cycle. Choose a cycle of your choice. You can spin to the right or to the left, or you can place your compass point straight up at 90 degrees. Try one position and BE with it for a while, then simply go about your day with ordinary tasks. You will surely realize that a theme begins to appear in your day, and this will carry through into your dreams. You might feel Egyptian, and then all of  a sudden you might crave matza ball soup which then might lead you to the story of exodus, then to the freedom of the slaves in egypt. The heart dial has infinte channels to tune in to. Little by little, sensational movies will enter into your everyday. This is your multi-demensionality gradually unfolding itself. Each ray from the heart is an aspect presence which holds gifts, tools, healing, and information. This is the way to receive the true current headlines of earth. The universal web gives a tickertape of headlines ALL DAY LONG. One can literally get a heads up on upcoming events in order to take special measures if need be.

Start with the cardinal points of  NSEW, starting from the heart always. From there, add daily another sunray extending from your heart. BEcome the STAR that you are! There is nowhere but the heart. Imagine yourself to Be exactly at one with all your imaginings. If you are a JAGUAR then BE one! Look up the meaning of its totem aspects and embody them. BE ISIS. BE BABAJI. BE MOTHER TERESA. BE INUIT GUIDE.
Then bring it all back to the heart and BE YOU. You are a star being!

repeat three times,



Thursday, February 17, 2011

Solar Flair Festival

My dearest skypeople,

The time has come to keep an even more steedy and  keen eye upon celestial activities for your added benefit and guidence. You binoculars are being upgraded to multi-culars now.There is much scientific-mystic excitement in the air. Blend the informations together for an even fuller understanding. Follow the cycle of all the planetary and celestial bodies regularly, to keep a heads up on upcoming earthly events. As you are well aware the cosmic energies are flooding to earth at an exponentially increasing rate daily. Each celestial body locks in with others to create transformational spiritually scientific waves, upon waves, for biological, mental, spiritual body(s) growth and expansion.

NOW It is time to welcome in the Solar Ray Festival of Lights along with the Full Moon!
The full moon solar celebration of Aquarius!
This is a collective humanitarian invitation!
All have a ticket!
the question is do you choose to attend...?

By choosing to participate in anchoring these profoundly transformative energies, one gains entry into doorways of advanced ray teachings. The commitment to serve humanity-ALL gives a collective protection to those whom you are closest to. Prepare youself by working on and fine-tuning all you bodies, even more so,  NOW.    Physical, Mental, Spiritual.      Review you body, mind (thoughts), spirit, then simply take a moment to anchor these gracious energies to earth for ALL. This can be done in groups, big or small, or by yourself calling in all your beloveds (on and\or off earth) to partake in your personal ceremony. Light a candle, lay out your crystals, offer your heart to ALL, sing your song. It is so simple when there is loving intention.

This is your offering to Mother Earth and HER people.

Her magnetosphere (Her Rainbow Auric Field) is entering into an intense cycle of Light receptions.
The solar\lunar cycles will merge and begin the cycle.This is the hallmark moment we have all been waiting for! The tsunami-energy waves begin to arrive now.It is known that many of you feel them. These are the days when you say "PHEW, that was a Wildly Intense Day"! These are real waves of light of high intensity and it is a cycle of many, one after another.The Solar knowledge arrives to activate the earth's crust now. HER mountains and HER monuments will be fully powered and turned on.This is why it is recommended that you visit them, physically or astrally. This is to release the information for those who have the keys to access it now. These are the treasures held within HER breast for all of you.

The actual physical experience will be very electric and volatile. This serves to clear and purify the regions of the heart...personally, communally, nationally, globally etc. Solar rays have a way of rattling earth's crust. ie (possible-probable) physical, emotional, spiritual earthquakes. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) affect earth and its beings. Many know of this celebrated accelerated evolution. Solar rays activate the KA lightbody filaments of one's DNA. This a jumpstart cycle for those who choose to participate. Ask your guides for assistance in the integrations of these newly refined and supercharged energies. Each day brings new gifts.

Serve thus Receive.

The waters of the world will conduct these higher frequency resonances to more amplified states. The cetaceans therefore are one's teachers and light frequency resonator balancers. Connect with dolphins whales and all marine friends through whatever means possible. Place a dolphin picture on the bedstand.

May cool waters of love wash over you,
in gratitude,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We are in OZ

Take my hand and trust in LOVE.

This is the time where you will need a friend, for this part of the journey COMES TOGETHER.

Glide upon the fabric of these golden collective robes of light.

The actual crossing of the rainbow bridge is now! For those of you who have been waiting, the time is now. Each person crosses into the New Earth, one by one, carrying ALL physical memory and bodies, plus the activated KA. A gate keeper will meet you at the gates. FULL HEARTS only. Many of you have had glimpses of this through dreams, day dreams, visions, books, actual openings of sight on earth where a valley view becomes more resplendant beyond earthly perceptions. Or, in fact, you simply have a hunch that something is going on, but you are not quite sure but something keeps pulling you in the direction of the Light and all its luminous expressions on earth. Sometimes you get a weird feeling like life is creating powerfully fulfilling moments for you; this is to stretch you, to make you believe more that ALL IS POSSIBLE. Life is magic. Magical life!
What will happen (and many are experiencing this now) is that the layers of light will be processed quickly. This will mean that you might see many levels of existence in a flash through a dream, a sense of knowing, or you will see New Earth in a picture, or read about it online or in a book and you will KNOW events are preparing. The Shift takes time, in time. Colors will become more and more vibrant. Earth colors will shine ever more with an increasingly glowing golden sheen. You will see eachother off and on, as glowing beings of light, yet the actual form will remain there. You will begin to see sparkles around people and things more. The consciousness in everything will begin to communicate to you and guide you. Dreams will become real. Reality and Dream will merge as one. Remember that this is a gradual process in time, however. It will be like the waves at the seashore, sometimes rough and sometimes calm but ever-washing, ever-flowing to your shores. As these energies wash over your feet more and more, you become ONE with the sea, fully immersed, and it then becomes even easier.

Some of you may be afraid or worried.     DO NOT.
You know are embraced by ALL LEVELS OF LIGHT.

You will retain all joy and love in your experience AND gain so much more love than your perceptions can even imagine at this moment. You will retain, what appears to be, your physicality, your genetics, your memories, the love! TRUST in LOVE (this has been what has gotten you to this point anyway).

The Golden New World is an actual and literal place. Many can already verify its existence. The first glimpses came with the convergences in time and space. Now there is a new world viewing daily in the Universal web. The statistics are calculating higher and higher numbers of individuals entering and visiting this shimmering Golden site. The key-code-passwords have been given to the ONE HEART FAMILY. This allows free entry to the Golden City at all times, love must be your entry paper. It is so simple, comical, in fact, to think that earthly perceptions can become so distracted by the different projections on the screen.

Take my hand, and take in the view of the Golden City.

As you feel comfortable, take one step at a time, and you will see that it is a glorious place TO BE.  As you beome more and more aclimated to this geographical region you will enjoy its many treasures. Take time to explore as much as you choose at any given moment. You can , also, go backward and forward into the layers, but you will see that you will prefer a certain resonance-color region. Keep that color-feeling with you! Remember THAT good feeling region and go there lots! This is what most of you do anyway. You are a multidimensional traveler. You have a choice of where you choose to hang out.You also will still be able to visit all of your friends and family, too, for they are on this spectrum of layers at their personal-chosen-region -resonance-points. Go to them and practice your light travels on earth.

                  bridging worlds,
                               bridging people into worlds of experience,
                                                       bridge now and come and experience The New Earth!

rainbow blessings,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Himalayan Heirarchy

Look at the key areas of your life..what are the KEY influences of your present moment?

Your carreer choices, your primary partnerships, your relationships, your perceived means of communication, your perceived intelligent connections, your life journey choices, your own personal path signposts to personal meaning, your "perceived" ugliness and shadow aspects, your feedback from others, your travels....look at what is before you on this screen of life.

What plate is being served to you right now, today?

Is the dish balanced and beautiful in its presentation to you?

Realize you have ordered this dish from the universe. Taste it and see if it is to your satifaction, and if it is not, then send it all or a portion of it back to the Universal Kitchen. Do not hesitate. Kings and Queens must eat the finest now!
Do not settle for anything less than perfect. It is one's royal golden inheritance to BE all and HAVE all! Realize your great worth, for this is what will create more joy for all in collective evolution. It is not selfish but Selfless. To BE is truly to BE Self...Full NO self...Self LESS. Less self is MORE! Think Big,


By doing this, one will attract others of like vibration. Do no worry what the other-other's perception of you will be, for the assured positive feedback comes through SELF LOVE. Within this step through loving self, the negative attractor points of guilt, anger, judgement, criticism, self approval, etc., dissolve completely and do not even appear on one's screen any longer. Focus on shifting and replacing what is on your personal plate of life. Throw out what you do not need now. For some of you there may also be too many plates! So it is recommended, to clear the table now and re-set the placements for any even more spectacular celebration. Be sure to wipe the table! This is the Finest Dining of Galactic Experience! You are being called to place your finest china on the table of the Masters. You literally have a special invititation. You have a place setting and a name card written in Golden Light calligraphy.

A toast of liquid light to you!
celebrating you,
your arrival,
in grace,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cloud Comforts

Let these words be clouds of pillow comfort for your head. It is time to rest the mind and body, and take a break! Gather the beauty into your life consciously today. This gift of life on earth is celebrated by you and for you alone. Take deeper breathes today of the clear air which goes into your lungs, see the trees for the living masters that they are, and thank the birds for their never-ending song, for they are your messengers. All is a precious gift. Live FULLY in this human experience today. Look into your loved one's eyes and celebrate all the love that you share with each other. Give extra special kisses to the babies! Taste the sweetness of the fruits of your harvest. This is all for you! Use your heightened senses to dive even deeper into the richness of your human-ness. See, taste, touch, hear, smell, with ALL your senses, this enchanting experience that you are immersed in. Swim in the river of life! Bring all into union of your experience. Become the puffy cloud in the sky, become the wind, hear the fluttering of the blue morphos butterfly wing...and TAKE are alive and at ONE with all!
living sands of time, you are,
arriving on Golden Shorelines
of love,
blessings today,

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Language of Light Keys

Physics 101 of the Higher Light

The Tree of Life, which you embody, must be glistening with all its decorative fire code keys now. Again these words are for serious jedai linguists only. Your etheric bodies literally appear as what might seem to be as christmas trees full of shining lights. Each light is a fire code key which reveals definitive progress in personal evolutionary growth. These fire code keys are literally made of kundalini fire. They may been labeled as The Keys of Enoch\Thoth, The Keys of Knowledge, La Sabiduria (knowledge) de Kulkulkan-Quetzalcoatl-Viracocha or The Keys to Higher Genetic Encodement. These codes allow a scientific-spiritual  free passage through a precise genetic stairway to the stars from earth. This is the infamous stairway to heaven, inside and outside.

 The keys to the gates to the sacred golden land, as promised, are being to you!

They can only be re-ignited through frequency sound harmonic technology from the Goddess of Magic and Time. The Return is Hers this time, as another cycle closes. This is the Mother Tongue of the primal seed language. You were promised "all would be revealed". Now your flowing body garments of Light are checked once again and harmonized.With HER tuning fork, more activation occurs by reading this. The keys are literal AND mystical keys. They look like small undulating tongues of golden-red fire upon the auric field for those of you with higher sight sensitivities. These fire keys open pathways of higher genetic encodement to be released within the brain, through the nervous system. An actual physical biological process is taking place, as awakening hormones are also released and your DNA encodement is rewiring itself through higher and higher consciousness into an advanced awakened stage of unprecedented human form.

at this point you have acheived a baseline quality index of Golden Knowledge. You have achieved great awakening levels of Patience, Honesty, Respect, Compassion, Tolerance, Understanding, etc in your "developing evolution-ment". The beta levels of the brainwaves can now be maintained in one's normal awakened day-to-day state due to the incoming increased cosmic energy waves and The compassioanate Light Assistence Crew on hand at all time. This alphabet of fire patterns will arrive in a stream download as your evolutionary process quickens. All codes will be switched on, as we speak in tongues now. Sceptics will be weeded out of the higher vibratory matrix accordingly. We must continue to love, as the perfection in the plan has arrived. There exist sound equations of geometric formation which apply directly to specific mantras and Beings of Light which can greatly assist one in healing and gaining Higher states of consciousness. This is not for the mind to understand, just know that it is a divine gift and a positive blessing to be here and now in this experience.

What to do?




FREELY share the light codes with eachother. Hold hands and visualize golden fire keys passing from one to another and then back. Give and Take=share=ONE LIGHT. As one gives one's love through sharing these keys, joy and magic will become one's every moment. These are the sound keys which strengthen one's Tree of Light structure. It is the time of collective harmonic sharing now.

Remember we all hold keys which the other may not have fired up yet. Give a Patience Key to a Friend or a Purity Key to your brother. Imagine a world where everyone was kind! Re-ignite The Lovingkindness Key and share it. These are symbolic images to a greater science. Remember the mind cannot truly grasp yet the language of light, many  individuals, however, are gaining an understanding of its sonic-fire-phonetics. For the greater good of all, one's service to Greater Beingness, is: to BE  a fully potencialized Human of Light.

It is recommended that one walks the talk 100% NOW.


The Mayan Lords of Light and the Tibetan Shining Ones return and are here for assisting you.
if you so choose to partake in this shining opportunity, then ask now for an updated evolutionary program of your dna light filament strings encodement,  
as another Phoenix Cycle ends within yet another galactic orbit.
These are the Times of the Phoenix Fire within the House of Enoch.
Visualize and place the Phoenix image upon your torso and invite these advanced activations within your physical body at this moment.  

This is an opportunity of a lifetime!

in humble, loving gratitude,

gracing you with fields of...lilli

Friday, February 11, 2011


Golden Ring Fusion

In time, today, we celebrate another spectacular end-beginning crossover. Many feel the compression-expansion energies strongly. You may feel "out of your mind", but it is known that this is a good sensation, as it IS YOU who feels! "Too much feeling" means you have made it onto the next spiral switch! Congratualtions!

9 rings have been completed!

We have collectively compressed and expanded 9 cycles over the course of billions of years!

This is unprecedented in earthly time!

Truth is exposed.

The quickening becomes even quicker. One manages growth cycles more efficiently within these finer and  more subtler spaces.  Many events have clicked away in time, you have all felt them. These are succession points which have assisted in difining one's placement within the timeline chronology. Succession points are integration points within one's personal experiencial experience which pinpoint "YOU ARE HERE" on the cosmic-earthly map. Find out where you are through your dreams also. Often dreams will show where future events will lead, and then the future events are trickeled down into your now. Images on the inside and outside viewing screens may be seen as the same, these are "flow in" moments to show you where you are. The full impact of  Truth is reaching all peoples in different measurement and calibration, yet the truth IS: that TRUTH is now globally exposed! Right Ethics rules! It is "the changing of the guard" day where true power is returned to the truly authentic!

Today, herald in THE NEW EARTH!

the galactic 7th day is closing soon,

Ask to get in the door!

Have KA will travel!

As we enter into this Universal Cycle, tell as many friends and family as possible, for those who have ears will hear! The spiritual track pace will be quickened now. Days and nights will be faster, and awareness will continue to be exponentially exponential. Organize "historical" events in the mind for a minute to see the magnificent revealing in presentation. PastPresentFuture are one looping timeline in the Now! BE an indicator of patterned change through your human evolutionary creation. This understanding will bring peace in the EYE of the storm.

8 months of Collective Peace Transformation is at hand!

What to do now?



gratitude rainbow ribbons of peace,

to you, 


Thursday, February 10, 2011

13 Moons

Many dates  and numbers overlap now. It is clear to many that time no longer has the same quality of definition. For many the 11:11 encodements and becoming tripled and quadrupled.. 11:11:11:11:11:11 and infinitely more! Cycles within cycles overlap in the weave, spirals within spirals intertwine and merge and are woven into even grander cycles. The earth spiral has lifted and merged to brilliant horizons. Many are beginning to see the Golden Civilization awaiting. Many are just arriving at the Golden Gates now. All Mayan calendars serve as outstanding tools for this galactic understanding. The disharmonic sense of the times has needed a facelift and so it is that the gifts are being re-given at the proper personal time. Natural Time is a must now. The 13 moon watch is the timepiece clock, and is absolutely necessary for the galactic measurment time merge. Taking the time each day to focus a minute on the moon phase brings one closer and closer to natural time. This is cosmic time unified, a galactic portal to survival flight. The 12 monthers will travel elsewhere. All peoples of the 13 moon resonance will gather together now. This is a physical meeting as well as an etheric conference of grand proportions. Those of you who follow the daily mayan kin will be enroute immediately to higher work, as well as in this here and now. All ancient calendars are of use, this is how the switch is made, the changing of tracks. It is how one travels on new rails, it is what trips the train tracks to a new spiral within larger spiral cycles. It is not to be said which mayan calendar is greater, honor all diversity, and just simply get on a natural track, the one of your choice. This can be thoth, dreamspell, haab, tradional, round, tzolkin or many others. The point get on track now. There is a synchronization which takes place in the moment when one receives a kin signature ticket. It is one's galactic boarding pass. One can only receive it while on earth however, so DO IT NOW. There are many benefits in this process. Many of you, already can verify the natural synchronistic unfoldment in your daily movements and moments. I rejoice with you! Share the magic with others of like-interest. Once one takes notice of the mystical magic of the times through re-verifying the mathmatics of the ancient ones, lift-off follows. Personal perfection unfolds and a new life is rapidly revealed to the eye of the beholder. Think paintbrushes and you shall have them! Be an artist of Time. Time=Art can truly have literal significance. The diversity of the tablet calendars allows one to choose his or her entry point. Once IN, time flies! Miracles become the norm. This is a magnificent way to open up to one's multidimensionality, one's true inherited potential. This is to encourage increased expansion through the use of these powerly activated highly technical tools. Decode your birthdate on a 13\20 calendar of choice! Be magically surprised by the treasures that await you.
Joy rushes to you,
as we enter GAP (galactic activation portal) waves,
thanking all of you, timeweavers,
in love,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sound Changes

Hearing the changes in sound frequencies is a sign of "sound" changes arriving to you!

It is a common occurrence to hear many different types of sounds within the body and within your ears at this time. It is not uncommon to have this happen many times a day. You might have noticed, however, a change in pitch lately. Most light path individuals have been hearing celestial songs for quite a long time, possibly the entire incarnation has been full of song, but now is the time to hear an even finer and more elaborate orchestration of sound. As one rises to heightened levels as an eagle, much more can be perceived by the senses. These are the gifts wihich come in with each passing moment of hard work and persevering stance in the challenging moments. Each moment you choose to express more love despite the adversity, you are gifted with more music. This music harmonizes the soul and body to more relaxed and peaceful states of experience. With this advancement, the Golden Beings of Light can assist one more and more. Most have enjoyed an evening at the opera house or the symphony. We get all dressed up in our finest and sit back in our red velvet chair to enjoy the show. NOW is the biggest show on Cosmic Broadway! So put on your threads of Light garments and sit upon your mekahbic cushion. Believe and feel-hear the many instruments tuning and harmonizing right now in union for the greatest event of all lifetimes. Sometimes the sounds come in as low and deep bass sounds, other times extremely high flute notes appear, sometimes chimes and bells will jingle nonstop for hours. The many instruments, ourselves, are tuning our strings for the fantastic event of all time. The beginnings CAN be heard now! This is the ONE collective song! Remember the excitement that is felt when an entire orchestra warms up before the great performance, well it is just the same but simply on an even grander "scale"! We have certainly moved up a few octaves now!

The angels and beings of Light are our master tuning device helpers. This is what we have been all doing through all our meditations, healing work, yogic practices, alternative medicine practices, Dreamtime work etc....we are simply preparing for the EXTRAordianry show of all time. What a joy to approach this moment in time together! Again you are commended soundly for your hard work and upmost courage, for it has not been an easy ride to get to this point. Know now that you are riding on wings of light above the disharmonic tones. They are necessary but not a part of the main body of this musical piece any longer, for the raising of sound frequency octaves washes over the heavy tones and brings lightness now to the presentation. We must focus only on the lightness of the notes now. Play them higher each day! And for those of you who are also physical musical technicians, you are celebrated for your musical sharing and passions in serving ALL through your musical constructions. They are heard and greatly acknowledged by ALL levels of existence! Keep up with the mother heartbeat rhythms, they are absolutely necessary now more than ever. Harmonizing with HER is ever crucial and this brings all LOVE together in form through the ONE primal beat of HER core. Allow al lthese sound-beats to wash over you. Hear the chiming and receive the balancings and the transmission from the higher realms. Sound transmits the ulitmate. All tribes must unite as one now through sound. The harmonics are ripe for this type of joining. The song of the cosmos CAN be heard. It is actually an audible construct and through DNA attunements the physical ears are rewired to upper chakra centers fully, to receive in a greater way. Know that this is a natural part of our collective evolutionary path. These states are natural, and are simply returning to us from Source. Be the teachers of sharing this collective sound instruction. Play all earthly instruments to their fullest. Share the music, share The Word through song. Consciously give-receive sound, together on an even grander level. Collectively, we have reached critical sonic-musical mass and with just a bit more collective song (given and received) we can begin to lift our manifested creations into ecstatic resonance as a whole.
May we rejoice in these extraordinary moments,
our little work becomes great,
in gratitude,
Singing bowls full of love,
you are!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Right Relations

Right Beingness

Find a partner at your side now! Please read on! Choose consciously and select mindfully an accelerated path partner now! This refers to all living manifestations. This for many may be a confusing subject, but take a good look now at WHO is by your side. Who is it that completely resonates with you?  Many find themselves within unproductive limiting expressions of love relating, they either stay in this expressions out of denial, fear, or perceived inability to break free. Deep down one however knows the truth, so now is the time to SEE our created expressions for what they are and to take action to invite into our lives higher vibrational interactions. This may be simply in the form of one loving platonic relationship (and please note this means releasing the old forms of relating that no longer serve BEFORE the new can come in) Creating space is so very important. Clear your photo boards and your computer files of all unnecessary memory logs to allow space for these new expanded love sharings to appear in you sacred space. Ironically, if you do not it will simply be done for you. Again this can come in many shapes and forms, it may be through a virtual friend online, or through a furry companion (a dog, a feline friend, or a hamster or a parrot!). Some of you will actually receive, for your soul contract, a life journey partner and\or others of you may strictly have etheric Light beings as your friends on path. The common point of interest is the LOVEemanations that will exist. They are of a much higher measurement. So take a moment to FEEL each of your relationships and review them. Is the LOVE of a higher measurement? Try to see a scale in your mind's eye and be a scientist of love. You are calibrating your gradations of LOVE. Plan and devise carefully your lovemeter calibrations. See the placement of each aspect of your individual select relations. This will provide a clearer perception of what is surrounding you in your present moment. Review and revise your findings, through this process develop a strategy to invest in more love and to raise your meter up a few notches from your current top love gauge calculation. It is recommended to place your higher love experience now as your bottom meter reference point and create a whole new calibrated measuring device of love expression. To do this takes great courage and trust. Those of your who are courageous and trusting in the universal love net ,will take these words and fly to even greater heights of loving experience on earth and beyond! I congratulate you for your perseverance and determined action. There is a science to all of this. Your numbers and tones sing a song in this world, so find the proper intruments to share in mutuals songs together. Allow bigger love to come in now! Do not hesitate any longer, there is now time to drag your feet any longer, get on with the next steps of your chosen experience. Be the instrument of love you came here fully to BE. It is the greatest way to serve the ONELOVER. Allow more joy to come to you, do it for the world, for all life.
in humble gratitude,
BE an instrument of love,
you are a precious gem,
thanking you always,

Monday, February 7, 2011

Epic ride, Epic impact


                                                                 Sails of Wind

Tunnel winds blow, we are in the wind tunnel now. These tubular winds are playing tubular bells. Hear the orchestrated songs of time within. There exists a rushing of events now, beyond the average 3D unfoldment,  and it will be felt by all according to personal perceptions. The threads of Light  that have been gathered currently by each individual are being integrated physically in each respective physical vehicles at the present moment. The collection of light threads by each person has been calculated and noted by Higher realms of experience. This has allowed for personal perfection for each incarnation in expression. The effort and perseverance levels of each incarnate has been logged in the annals of the recorded universal tomes. All action is recorded from all experience. Full expression is the goal, however, fear-threads still exist in some, and greed-threads…jealosy threads…selfish strings, also, can be seen…so the distilling process reveals proper placement of each light quotient gradient per being. There exists no right nor wrong, no good nor bad, no up nor down, simply there only exists proper placement of each particle in time. We are all particles of sand which now must fall on the shores of time. The tunnel winds blow us now as far as our light matter garments will allow us to travel. Some will travel further than others, but all will be placed accordingly to their own correct-personal-intentional-shoreline-placement within the One River of Life. We will all go exactly and perfectly where we need to go. 2011 will appear for many as out of time. There will be a sense of completion and fulfilment on many levels…personal physical, planetary, cosmic, galactic and more! It is now that the coming-together of many cycles inside time and outside of time are linking up once again. We are adding however new spirals to this collective spiral process. The collective evolutionary system has been clicking away for an enormous amount of  time, to reach the hands on the clock of NO TIME. Zero Point. It is a great achievement for those who can sense these finer, more subtle levels of experience and perception. Many of you have arrived here to serve and to take part in the magic in the experience of these time cycles. You are the Time keepers!

So..what does this all mean..?

These next wave-spells in time will be extraordinarily intense!

Energetic storms and physical storms will converge and come, one on top on the other. Great loss will appear in 3D illusion. Do not be attracted to the movie in time. Where you find yourself physically is where you will be asked to love all life in form. Each one of you is needed right where you are at this moment. Feel your purpose from you heart and listen to the next steps. Fear cannot enter into your equation, so if there is resistance in any way, you are to GO to the Resistance area of your life and work it out now. This will make the upcoming moments smoother for you. Please take the time to clear your path a bit more now. This will bring your levels of Love up to a little bit more expanded expression, which will heal and balance you more and correct others perceptions closest to you also. Love the ones FULLY in your current heart circle. The
Golden Circle
is your band of Gold. It will also serve as a form of turbo boost, a power pack for the near future. You will need this tool soon, so consciously shine it up, hone it, and place all WHOLE loving friends and family in it now. This is the Golden Ring Love.

Take care of your loved ones closest to you. This will be a physical process, but also be extra aware of your phenomenal abilities that you have at your fingertips in the realms of Light. You may be asked to work on Higher and Larger ways, for example you may be asked to transition many souls into the Light, at the same time your are actually physically shovelling up the mud that has entered your house from a storm. And at the same time you many feel a friend across the world who is also going through a hard time, a loss of some kind, embrace that person from where you are, give your heart away to all loving connections. Be in all of this and anchor your love from your heart to Mother Earth also, LOVE HER WITH ALL YOUR HEART, TOO. Love from as many different rays of connection as you are conceptually capable, and each day try to make your love emanations bigger than the day before. And, as usual, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your personal guides, angels, the luminous ONES etc for more help in the expansion in your expression in love. Believe each day you are an even Bigger and Bigger expression of Love in form. You ARE a Fully actualized Luminous Human being. Believe it, so be it! Celebrate the treasure that you are! A gift to the world, to ALL.

Sunflower rays of joyful omnipresence,

In humble offering and gratitude to you,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time Capsule, Earth

                                                      Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl

Stone Tablets

Petra Stone correspondances are here! The earth stones have many messages for you all, yet it has not been clear for a long times how to retrieve the stories within them. Now these storylines are available for all, at no charge! What a gift to be tuning in now to the the stone message headlines. It is literally a daily message board of significant relevence. It is quite clear to humanity that information has been left in the stones of earth, either by ancient civilizations, through sacred architecture, stone stelas, monuments, tablets etc, but few understand nor recognize the valuable library which earth holds herself WITHIN. The peaks of earth are admired by many yet without full recognition of their deeper, more profound, meanings. It is a blessing to visit, and to place your feet and hands on them NOW,  for the moments will quickly unfold to release these places from earthly existence. The cathedrals and monuments are here for all in order that we can fully receive the next code advancement steps. I encourage ALL to take a moment to either visit a mountain or lookout point near you, and if your cannot physicaly visit a mountain, a hill or heightened vista, then find a photo of one and envision yourself there. Go to as many sacred peaks as possible and receive the encodements from these profoundly glorious spaces. Do not be preoccupied if you have not climbed Mt Everest or Kilimanjaro or Uluru, in this now, for it is the mere intention of being there which releases the ancestor's latent codes to you. Again, if you read this, your guides will set up all the dreamscape planning for you, RIGHT NOW.
The DNA genetic filaments are ready to receive more light flow current now within your body. This will activate to its fullest your galactic genetic encodement in full force NOW. Maybe you have wondered why you have been drawn to other worlds and place, yet now the FULL library will be available to you. This is a much better information source that just your public library or even the web. The Web is here for those who ask for it! Ask your guides to assist you in this FULL Luminous Program and so it shall be. Earth will then have a direct clear phone line connection with you. This is very important for all, now that the changes are at an accellerated speed.
The Himalayas, The Alps, La Sierra Madre, The Pyrenees, Popocatepetl, Moorea and more! ALL call for your presence. Find the images and take the time to climb the mountains of the world.
This is a great step, to prepare!
The time is now!
aloha blessings,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Travel Plans

You have your ticket!

There are a select few on Gaia who already have a ticket in hand for the Big Show! Many already have their bags packed. This message is for those adventuresome traveling souls who relish breathtaking brilliant vistas and enchanting golden far-off lands. This message is for all those who love the smell and taste of earth and all HER mystery. She knows who you are. There are a few travel preparations still at hand, however,
so take heed, and brush up on your travel list before it is too late, for the doors of time will be closing soon....

It is THE GREAT opening, within a GREAT closing,
This is the swooshing of a galactic sliding door which allows individuals through only at a select time.
you are chosen.
the time is now.
This is the 13 Baktun portal!
We built this door together before time, and now we walk through this door IN time.
It is unprecedented, never been done before within this reality.
It is the sipapu tunnel,
hear the song of the master tube-instruments playing
the song of peace,

The song is within these words, it is audible to some, and felt by others, some do not know yet what it means
but it works their cells into resonance. It entrains the bodies to higher keys, notes of opening. Personal Perfection is here for all.

How can we be ready? What can we do to prepare?

1) Your soul's garment, the lightbody, the KA, is to be worked daily. First, find your inner medicine wheel  (the balanced cross withing the circle) of North, East, South, West, HEART, Above, Below. Anchor in ALL directions. NOW. It is so simple, many of you know it and do it daily, but DO do it and do it LOTS throughout the day, until your Light vehicle is floating in this world, within the moments of your everyday. You might forget about time but still stay in time, this is the paradox.Your merkabah is your vehicle now.....this is more important than your car now, so maintain it! Imagine points of light, star rays from your body. Become a star unto this world! This is a literal process. It is real! You can do this wherever you find the grocery store...on the bus...even in your car, if your are an advanced soul technician! but first try it in your home, in private, on the couch, with a lit candle and a cup of tea. Call in your guides for assistance. Ask for help to attune your vehicle more and more everyday. No matter how busy you will be, it is well worth the effort, as your day will flow ever more smoothly as a result to this simple practice.

2) Stay within circles of light, in your community, online, in the etheric realms etc. Now more than ever it is important to nurture and be nurtured by the light. Ask for like-minded high frequency individuals to surround you at all times. The old relating will sluff away without notice and new relating will appear. Extend your gifts to others. SHARE in all ways. Many meetings are taking place in dream realms so work in them as you do in 'real' time. Physical meetings often take place very soon after the dreams now. There is much less lag time in our manifested realities. Thinkit-feelit-liveit! there is a compression of events taking place, a fusing of realities. It is such a gift, for our soul's growth can be rapidly increased within simply one day. Time is completely different now, and spiritual growth is phenomenal, if we so choose. You pick your own growth velocity!

3) Visit sacred sites. If you are blessed to live near any, go to them. With the newly incoming cosmic energies arriving daily, many sites are almost fully switched back on again (thanks to the hard work of our fellow lightworkers, on and off the planet), so balancing, codes and messages can be directly received once again. There is an infinite bank of universal light information available for all now. When the lightbody opens up more and more, the circuitry receives its flow of information download, daily. Time realease codes are now coming in, due to the sound frequencies arriving now. There is a huge inflow of re-remembering that can take place to assist you in your super-accererated-wake-up-process. Remember that also you can ask to visit any of these sites etherically, through meditation or within sleep states. So again ask to visit many of the activations centers as you are magnetized to them. Some of the places exist only etherically too, so research a few, and go to the ones which attract you.
Receive and allow the energies to move and shift you without much thought. Your guides will do most of the work. Surrender to the process, allow and trust in this process of Light activation.

4) Receive healings, balancing, reiki, lightwork, sound and\or color healings in the physical, etc... if it comes to you. Receive what comes to you with an open heart. Do not atttach to the tool, however, simply use it, and move on to the next.  Things are moving very fast now for one to even cling to any of it. Many tools, people, healings, balancings, books will arrive..receive all now with purpose of INTENT to build your light quotient, your light fiber content, your Shining Self! And again share your talents and gifts with others, many times a mutual sharing will take place, so be aware of this Give and Take process of Love. Pass on the information to others, as you feel inclined. Intuitions will guide you in this also.

5) Remember that all the externals are simply an illusion. As solidly real as it may seem, this world is just a hologram of picture shows. Many upcoming events will appear too much for the human mind, heart and eyes
to bear, yet it is absolutely crucial to maintain a perspective of loving detachment at all times. There is no death, only transition into more and more living experience. Hold your center in love and help those closest to you at this times. In the meantime, make the phone calls, write the letters, post the blogs, write and share the music, paint the paintings...the world needs these vibraational gifts now more than ever, because there will come a time when the grids will shut down. We will then use our telepathic gifts more to connect.

6) Practice and embrace your multidimensionality. Hone your spiritual gifts now. There is much literature on this..on becoming a galactic human....a homo luminoso....but the main focus now is on sending out earth distance healings and on sending out telepathic love support to all individuals of the light. Also the eternal living masters respond to our loving recognition, as well. We must stay in gratitude to all beings inservice at this time. Gather as many aspects of your soul's work now, by this it is meant to attend to your many day you may feel Mayan, the next day a Druid, the next day Hopi, the next, an Inuit, the next day you might feel Incan or Aztec...the next Pleiadian...or Australian Aboriginal or New Zealand Maori...another time you may feel Dolphin or Whale energy communications or you might feel all of this at once, with many more...the sky is the limit...and the ancestors are calling the codes back to you. Research these tribes and peoples and beings...they speak to your encodement..Ask and you shall receive the gifts from the past, present AND the future. Then, next, ask for assistance in your multidimensional integration process from the Golden Ones. They will seal all the gaps within the many layers of existence. This will give you additional protection, as well. You literally can be on an earthquake fault area and experience a 9.0 earthquake and be unharmed. You will be swept away to safety. The earth and cosmos need you and Gaia knows what she is doing!

7) Listen to your inner guides at all times. Be ready to make fast moves and changes. Simply know that all that is important is your Self and your loved ones. Be willing to leave All behind. Practice non-attachment now, either way it will be integrated, no matter what. Have a mental note of what you would physically pack. As all travelers know, it is easier to travel light!

8) Pay attention to the animals. Ask them questions, if they appear. "What is your message to me?" "Are you a primary totem?... or a secondary journey totem animal?"...research totem animals (Animal speak is a great reference) and read about their purpose...or ask the animal "are you bringing me a message from a friend?" These animal friends have a direct link to Mother Earth, watch their you see seabirds flying away from the sea? ( a storm is coming) or are they leaving the planet in mass numbers through collective suicide? The New World is drawing near... The more one attunes to nature the clearer one's intuitive messages willl be.

9) Hold Gaia in your hands and send love to her! I recommend doing this every day. It can be visualized in a meditation or simply hold your hands in front of you and FEEL her there! It is one of the most powerful things we can do for now. She needs us, humanity needs us, and this serves all other realms as well. As below, so Above.

10) Love thyself. Only allow LOVE into your living experience. Your home is your temple, so is your body. Eliminate all people, places, things of disharmonic resonance NOW from your life movie. Recreate it into higher and greater love experience. Believe that your deserve the highest love ever imagined on this earth. It IS for YOU! Reflect today on your diet, your relationships, your behaviours, your fears..what is keeping you from your LIVING experience? We all can sweep a few things out of our sacred corners. Keep your temples clean, inside and out...and know that you are all diamonds in full glory!

May this serve,
in loving brillance,

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Isis messages

Mindful Madness

Adjustment time has arrived. All events are purposeful in their respective perfection, for this is the crescendo of events designated for this time on earth. Detached love is most necessary at this time, where the distance spreading of loving energies permeates the grid of Light, which you all have created. This grid of light architecture of geometric forms is sturdy and strong now, and it will sustain the new creations of Light into greater and greater forms of expression. It is absolutely crucial now to only have thoughts of Love from here on out. This is the ticket always In and OUT of time and space.  Our collective energies need to be powerfully and intentionally focused on ONLY the positive in each situation that is witnessed by each incarnate on earth. She, most of all, needs our loving compassion, as well as all the souls serving humanity at this time. SEND LOVE TO ALL THE REGIONS NOW! There is no need to discuss excessively, nor to view too  much of the box, but do stay informed to what is going on by tapping in to details daily, simply for the mere intention of being more direct with your loving rays of healing. They are swords of Light and clear the pathways for those who physically Serve in Love. We must only feed and nurture the Light at this time. Enough is enough, and now the chips must fall according to how they have been placed in time. Reach out to all your fellow earth companions, at this time, more than ever. Connect and build upon the Love quotient foundations every day. Make a concerted effort to serve in whatever means possible. Everything, that each of you has been gifted with, is most needed at this time.  Make the music, write the poetry, share your advanced spiritual talents, chat and make new connections, and SHARE your hearts with others who are on path. Now is the time where Light supports Light, this will create an exponential springboard platform for further collective lightbody expansion.  Stay rooted to Mother Earth at the same time, feel her changes as well, love her; she is birthing herself into a new form of expression, WITH us. She is shedding her old skin which no longer serves, as we must do the same. New beginnings are bright and beautiful! I rejoice in this shared collective experience with all of you. The Rainbow Serpent is moving once again.
Peace to each and every one of you

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Collective Dream Magic

                                                  Collective Dream Manifestations

Today is a call to find your place in The Dreamtime and to find out "where" it is that you tune in. We are all swimming in the same ocean.The oceanic waters envelop us all, but where is it that you swim? To find your place in the dream one must simply imagine it TO BE. Once this occurs, magic unfolds. Heartfelt gratitude at all times is the key that opens the door. It is a REAL key, the gratitude key. HOLD IT in you hands.
The energy centers, spinning vortex wheels of the body open and expand. These chakras are doorways, we all know, literal doorways. The heart doorway OPENS the higher centers. This is why the heart becomes the gateway to co-creation. It is a service door which is only open to those 'with a heart'. It has a very good security lock in system which is full proof. Loving Individuals ONLY enter. As one gains intergrity within this center, there is a blast off which takes place through the crown center. The ascension becomes a descension all at once, for it is simultaneously that the out of body centers (8th, 9th & 10th chakra vortexes) are then pulled right down into, and alternating in between, the lower centers of the body and  then they all powerfully anchor to the earth mother's womb. All creations are birthed here. Once this has taken place, a new reality of experience begins to unfold for you all. It is the world of the 5th Sun. It really does not feel much different, however, than pure 3D density, it is very subtle, but here are a few hints at what one might begin to experience. 

Sunshine becomes brighter, colors are more vibrant..trees are greener than their usual green. Photosensitivity is a common sensation. I have had the experience of being in a open fruit market and have felt the individual vibrations of each of the fruit's color balancing me, simply through visual sight.

You can begin to hear people's thoughts as you pass them on the street. Or you might get internal video footage of their current trauma and pain. If this occurs, simply LOVE. Share loving moments with those you are magnetized to, and BECOME A BEACON OF LIGHT FOR ALL.

Intuitions and telepathy become an everyday normality. This is so we can gift and share loving messages with others who experience the same in other locations. Sometimes we are called to strengthen these skills by being physically apart from those whom we love. I have experienced this many times over the years with many dear friends. Literally, we have had no phone or internet to communicate with and yet we knew eachother's thoughts and daily events over month's and\or year's time. Personal physical gifts appeared to me from a friend in the Himalayas..special delivery at my literal beach house doorstep...a gifted supreme pizza from the universe with HIS name on the box. EXPERIENCIAL EXPERIENCE BUILDS THE MOMENTS. Even transitioned friends and relatives may assist in the  creation unfoldment and many have purposefully left to bridge more solidly the gap between the realms.

Fussion moments, as I call them, become more common. They are the moments when dreams overlay our current daily moments. It is more that just the bleep of a deja vu experience. It is as if a whole life segment is fused in the now with the dream creation reality. Dream creation is when we experiment with possible reality creations. It is as if we 'try on' a dream scape to see how it fits with our present moment creation. If it feels good and looks good, we try it on in this NOW. It feels real good when fussion moments happen yet they are a bit dizzying for the mind to wrap around. There is a lock-in feeling which occurs also, one may actually hear a snappin in sound or a clicking when dream fussion takes place. This is a necessary part of our collective co creative process. We work together to bring more peace and joy to this realm through this gift. Work with this and it will amaze you. If you already resonate with this, I congratulate you!

I, wholeheartedly, encourage you to reflect upon your dream themes. It is helpful to keep a dream journal as one is beginning this process, however for advanced dreamers this is not necessary nor possible, as the dreams come in at a faster, and more accelerated, rate of transference. It is important to reach a state of dreaming which transcends normal earthly tasks, to reach the collective realms, but know that is is vitally important to sweep all the corners of your dream house first so receive the dreams with an open heart, without judgement. There may be times of what appears to be 'no dreaming' but simply recognize that there is more going on that meets the mind. Energetic integrations require much assistance from the angelic and master realms, alot of which cannot be felt or even understood in this NOW, so BE content to BE in process. You are embraced in love at all times.

Simply by reading this post, will activate your fluid dreamstate activities. There are no expensive seminars to attend nor gurus to visit, it is all simply the realization of Self Within. I am here to fascilitate in this process, as my own. We are ONE. Thank you for this gift of shared service to you, special energetic field worker. Plant the seeds now in The Dreamtime
Let's continue to create into BEING this beautiful Eden of the Mother right here and now!
May this serve you purposefully,
in this now,
compassionately here to serve in peace,
an instrument of love