Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crystal Magic

There are wizard attributes which are awaking in you every day. These gifts are actually your innate nature. Your Natural Nature.  Many of you have seen them unfolding within yourselves over the years, but now heightened gifts arrive and you may feel a bit stretched and overwhelmed by them, at times. It is not however about the Magic in Neon nor about sensationizing what you can do, and what others cannot do, but simply it is about BEING AT ONE with the energy and lovingly and selflessly sharing it. Mainstream humans are excited about the show of these abilities, creating center stage events and magic shows. Broadcasting these magical acts limits the field of experience, yet it is perfection, at any level of experience, in that the mainstream world can get a glimpse of an aspect of this colossal gifted potential. It, in fact, is so much more than meets the tv screen. You are spiritualized humans, you ARE luminous. When the light filaments light up fully and shine at their optimum power, circuitry switches on and a full array of these magical activities becomes gradually one's every day experience.

Being at one with the energy may seem simple and easy, and even cliche, yet one must be impeccably selfless in loving intention. Harmonizing with the same energy requires powerful intent of action. Advanced actions are only available for heightened energy love servers. Full Hearted people receive quickly the re-activation of their full natural nature. Practive advanced kindness measures now. Most of you have been incarnated with the gifts of sight and of hearing, there are many levels to these. Start simple and go slowly through your sentient unfoldment. Let the experiences speak to you. Recognize them consciously as YOUR nature, in any given moment. Again broadcasting is not necessary, only share with those like-minded souls, as intuitions guide. Many of you have been\will be called to use these (new) abilities with awakening souls on earth. Share your gifts with your light family now. This will allow an exponential spontaneous unfoldment of magic to appear on the world screen.

Harmonizing with advanced equal energy actions will encourage others to share their talents. It is not about being psychic, it is about knowing yourself and your true unfolding innate nature. These gifts are natural attributes, they are not "out there", they are within. They are not just in the other. You, TOO, retain this innate nature within your cellular structure. Some talents may be more pronounced in some than in others, but all will have full activational high frequency abilities. It goes hand in hand with one's selfless nature AND scientific nature of the times.

Harmonizing equal energies sings "like" songs. These similar songs are heard by physical objects and melt in structure to blend with the same some photon energy. Receive-Give-infinitely. It can work for anything, the sky's the limit! Be the energy of another for a moment. Practice the feeling, then use the images that you see, sense and feel to serve the other in loving action. This is also the way to unlock Earth's Library. Practice harmonizing with equal light particle energies of the mountains, the rivers, the individual animals, the sacred trees, the crystals, the boulders....and a whole new literal library of useful information will be at your fingertips. Fly to new heights with these newly found talents and share with all your fellow navigators.


Luminous omnipresence,

shimmering graciousness,


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