Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Gap

Golden Means

There is perceived space between our moments. This is TIME. It is important to note that these gap realities are no longer in focus. As the physical body acquires finer softness in its structure, the cellular particles of form vibrate more rapidly, and the edges of time dissolve into a spiral of infinite expression. It will feel as if the moments of physical time are floating in a golden river. Watches are removed. Linear time becomes natural time, and flows as fibonacci golden code streams. This translates into all sensual expression on earth. The underlying golden matrix is then seen by those who entrain and resonate in these natural states of  Golden Time. Time and No-time are one expression. Now is the opportunistic moment to experience this in physical reality for the first time ever collectively. Share in this bubbling golden experience with your family and friends. Time, as before, is no longer. Advancement in evolutionary developement is at hand.
As moments flow, one still keeps track of time, in process, the holidays seem to merge as one complete moment of bliss. They may appear to come faster and faster, the 4seasons may even appear in one month's time. This is a result of the vibratory waves arriving to earth as cosmic emanations, in order to attune, speed up the pace of collectiveness in form vibrations.

The memories are retained as DNA footage as cellular matrix packages. Past-Present-Future footage fuses and becomes completely available for access and usage at any given time. One's limitless access to all realms becomes the norm. This is highly beneficial for all human forms, as it also determines one's (upcoming)         personal joy experiences.


The gap is closing. This does not limit expression but expands upon the Golden Moments and Golden Memories. There is no loss but onely gain in this collective evolutionary expression. We all share the momories of all time. By sharing, all knowledge of experience is gained collectively through loving advancement. Human-ness becomes radiant expression. Smiles become brighter, eyes glow as diamond suns and reflect back and forth across all time as diamonds in the sky!

Breath and BE AT EASE in knowing that you are living golden moments
in the river of life,
be the river of love,
dissolve the gap,
gracious timelessness,

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