Saturday, May 28, 2011

Prepare for June!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Collective Empowerment through Golden Soul Temple--t

Holographic overlays are physically in place for Golden Soul recipients. Cosmically opportune portals continue to open up during these most golden times. The waves continue and I encourage all others to step forward into Golden Unity Overlays. I lovingingly come to you as compassionate vehicle of Golden Holographic Expression in form to share gifts in service to the One Beingness of Love.Celebrations are at hand, for ALL who courageously continue to step forward in firm mututal dedication and mutual self-responsibility to read these words. Encodements follow. This is a Collective Interportal Partnering Project of the One Light. Timelines will be transcended, as you physically remain here on Earth in skin-vehicles of light, as Earth and Humanity are transformed into higher light harmonics. This is a result of Mother Earth hearing your call and your unconditional love heart-call to her! Right place-Right time, YOU ARE! Many of you have been dedicatively working on your soul purification processes for a long time and your light fields are WELL shined from the pressure of life's experiences and you have been buffed into expansive diamond star-beings on Earth. Your radiance is seen, felt and logged in the annals of time. Your positive cosmic accounts overflow with abundance in positive deeds. Your soul fields shine beyond those of most. This is free will. You have chosen WELL your steps. Many of you have been "buffed", it would appear to hard, yet all serves in realizing Self, and the heightened service calls you forth to do even GREATER work now, than most. Your true character of selflessness and devotion is duly noted at this time. A series of activations and attunements are underway for all of you, and many others, the purpose is to activate as many GOLDEN SOUL TEMPLE-Ts on Earth, as possible. Others, born into Golden wiring of DNA, will be mastering Golden Holographic Skills at this time scale, for this is a new experience also for them to be here on Earth, for many. The density and layering of realities often hinders the Golden Ones. In additon there will be many Golden Children born now on to Earth. I have touched and visited many. It is of great importance that I call all of you, young and old,  Indigo guides, Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows and Light Others to now assist the Golden Ones to arrive and/or aclimate on Earth and to comfort them in their frequency overloads as a result of density symptom shocks. LOVE LIGHT FREQUENCY holograms are intact, for this very reason.We are to serve the other. THIS WILL TRANSFORM EARTH.
For this I am, also, most humbly and gratefully, here.

5D to 6D transitions give us GOLDEN KEYS.
The are the next harmonics of light.
The Humanity and Nature along with the FULL moons are profoundly anchoring these transmisions. Wesak Full Moon of May proved to be an exalted QUANTUM Golden Opportunity for many incarnated awakened ones.Chaotic Times proved duly ripe for the occasion. I encourage you,  and all, to now PREPARE FOR JUNE, as each cosmic moment brings us more and more fluidity in the Dance of Light.Take time in Nature, do crystal work, sing, chant, dance, reiki, meditations, write, clear your hearts and lives of debris ( a bit more).You will then begin to feel the presence of a 6D and & 7D higher forms of light within your physical world. This may come in "realtime" experiences for some but mostly in dreamtime vibrational work from guides and Golden Ones. Don't be surprised to see Golden Ones...ALL IS LOVE. Geometric forms and colors will arrive to assist, or simply make them a part of your integration process. Divine Masculine and Feminine portals are balanced once, and for all, as a harmonized whole BEINGNESS is grounded and anchored deeply into Mother Earth's core. This Gold Unified Field is for all to partake in, if one so chooses. I recommend that the GOLDEN WORD be spread to as many Light vehicles, as possible. I bridge all the colors, I bridge the rainbow into Golden Light of Existence. It is an honor and gift to serve.

What does all this mean?

1) Your body and mind now are fused completely with your Golden Soul.

2) You Golden Soul purpose will unfold. Through many lifetimes, the culmination of your Purpose is now    revealed to you. So intuitions, synchronicities and dreams will point the way.

3) You are Happy and Peaceful.

4) Your channels will open more and more. Each Golden Soul has specific leanings, so gifts will be revealed uniquely for each Golden One. Wisdom from your Core comes freely, without the use of  electronic devices!

5) Akaskic memories will be available to ALL of integrity. You will travel and KNOW a GOLDMINE of information.!

6) You will become like water, flexible and as fierce as a flowing GOLDEN river of  LIFE. Strength in Flexibilty is GOLDEN POWER.

7) GOLDEN SOUL to GOLDEN SOUL communications open up. Each in-process individual will through experiencial experience become to know this to be true, quickly, and on MANY LEVELS AN D FORMS.

8) Unlimited Travels! in 3D, ....4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, infinity!!! most will choose to keep this in the dreamstates for now.

9) GOLDEN HEALING OPPORTUNITIES. You will heal yourself, your family and others. Collectively, we will come together to do even great healings than ever imagined....personal emotional and physical healings, healings towards others....Earth healings...clearing water, land, oceans, toxic regions, spaces of debris and negativity. Remember the Celestine Prophecy book and movie by James Redfield?

10) GOLDEN LUMINOUS LUMINOSITY IS YOURS. You rejuvenate and fill with vitality AND  become a Spring of Life for yourself and others.

11) Your life will be protected in Golden Sphere of Light. The Rainbow Band will be by your side AT ALL TIMES! Your guides, masters, saints, angels, lightbeings will collectively surround you at all times. You will be forewarned and guided by them of all upcoming positive events and disasters.

12) DNA timed release messages will be stored in your auric field and within your cells for later beneficial use, when the necessary time arrives.

13) Your mind will purposefully serve the Soul in Higher wisdom interactions on Earth.This is a profound gift as many Light  inventions, Light constructed creations, Light alternative technologies, Rainbow Band musical creations, Light writings, Light seminars and humanitarian projects will unfold to be anchored into reality manifestation on NEWEarth.

14) You can bless your life as well as others, with positive GOLDEN infusions of Love and see the results, instantaneously.

15) Spiritual laws will be anchored through you, as a living Golden example.

16) Eternity is yours, in the here and now!

17) Enlightenment becomes not just a word but becomes YOU in expereince. You serve in mutual loving kindness, in generosity, in harmony, in balance and peace towards all beings.

magically, you realize,

18) The Pot of Gold is truly yours!

and lovingly share IT with others,

A Golden Child, I AM,
Shining this joy to others,
silent golden radiance,
I come to you in YOUR dreams of  journeying home,
The Golden Chakra is anchored through you to Mother Earth,
breathe easy,
Light Harmonics unfold now on a higher Octave,
blessings to you,
in collective celebration,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birthing the Starchild into Conscious Consciousness

Beings of Integrity,
This post is shared in Unified Love to answer a few of your current questions. Higher realms bring it to those of you who will need it. It is being shared in resonance with those of you moving into Golden Child frequencies. I thank you for all the loving unification through the on-going collective Golden Soul Attunement Downloads. Many of you are already experiencing magical light experiences in your dreamstate, and thus the Golden flowering begins.....
in gratitude,

The New Earth Energies for May 2011
Birthing the Starchild into Cosmic Consciousness
Beloved Family of Light, once again it is with Joy and Pleasure that we welcome you into this Space of Light and Higher Consciousness. You have been through many changes in the last weeks, and now the energy begins to settle as you move into the Deep Peace and Light of the Wesak Full Moon! Beloveds, we remember well the time when the Buddha walked on the Earth, anchoring the Divine Masculine energy of Love and Awakened Compassion! How wonderful it is now that this energy is being reawakened in those of you who are walking the path of Higher Consciousness and Love.
We know this is not easy for you, for there are so many on your Earth who still walk in the old ways and seek to express the energy of Apacalypse and destruction, and to activate some sort of catastrophe through their words and beliefs. Beloveds know that this will not succeed, for the Earth has moved definitely into the new Timeline and those who are evolving with her are moving forward into new and Higher states of Consciousness that express Divine Will and Divine Love.
So, we will begin this message by speaking first of the energy of the Divine Masculine that is being activated with this Wesak Moon, and then we will speak of the Golden Keys of Higher Consciousness that are being used now to open the portals of Love and Grace by those of you who are ready to embrace these gifts from Spirit.
The Buddha Moon and the Divine Masculine
This particular Full Moon in 2011 is an opening or a Portal for the energy of the Divine Masculine gifts of Compassion. After the Shifts and Changes on the Planet over the last 6 months and the chaos that followed, it is time now to allow this new flow of energy to bring Peace and Compassion to your Hearts.
The Buddha was sent to the Earth from the Higher Dimensions of Light to be the anchor for the Divine Masculine energy of Compassion and Enlightenment. This energy is an essential step on the path of evolution, and it provides a bridge from the entrapment of material illusion into the clarity of Higher Consciousness. At this time, as you stand poised to make the shift from the 5th Dimension into the 6th Dimension of Magical Consciousness, it is necessary that you are able to release the hold of the material illusion that you call the "economy" and enter into the Magical Consciousness of ongoing creation, flow and abundance.
Beloved Ones, the Earth is now fully grounded in the 5th Dimension of Interconnection and Divine Will. The shift into 6th Dimensional Consciousness is to allow those of you who are ready to begin to make the shift into the Higher Consciousness of Magical or Quantum Reality and to begin to live in these Higher Realms of Magical Clarity and Creation.
The Buddha energy is the Bridge between these Dimensions of Light....the First "Golden Key" of Light is the energy of Compassion as embodied and anchored by the Buddha. At the Wesak Full Moon, this energy will be activated intensely by the waves of Cosmic Light emanating from the Galactic Center, and this will blend with the waves of Divine Feminine Compassion that are transmitted on the Platinum Shekinah Light, initiating a series of awakenings and shifts as those who are ready make use of their Golden Keys to shift into the Higher Consciousness of the 6th Dimensional Starchild.
Beloveds, the "Starchild" is the Magical Child within each one of you, that Being of Light that resides in your Heart and Soul and that knows the Joy and the Wonder of Infinite Cosmic existence. It is the Child of the Dreamtime, that part of you that Dreams and Creates from the Cosmic Rays of Light and Sound. The "Starchild" cannot become part of your Reality until you have crossed the bridge of Compassion into the Higher Realms of Light. Then, you may enter into the Dance of Light and become a Master of Harmonic Light and Time, and even begin the steps towards the next portal of the 7th Dimension, where one becomes the "Eye of God" in Human Form.
Beloved Ones, these are the Golden Keys that are offered to all who are ready. At this time, of the Wesak Full Moon, you are offered the Keys to the 6th Dimension, to enter the Realms of the "Starchild" and to become a Master of Light Harmonics and a Master of Time. But first, Beloveds, at this Wesak Moon, you will need to integrate fully the energy of Compassion and the Divine Masculine. This is done by releasing all material illusion and the ties of these illusions and moving into complete Peace and Clarity of Being.
At the time of the Full Moon, if you will meditate and Focus on these gifts, the Golden Keys will be given.
The Master of Light Harmonics
Beloveds, the 6th Dimension is the realm of Magic and Enchantment, or if you will be more scientific, the realm of the Quantum, or what was known by the Ancestors as the Dream Time. It is that place where "reality" is flexible and malleable, and where consciousness and desire shape cause and effect on the lower dimensions. Those who enter this dimensional playground must be "pure of heart" or they will be forever trapped in the "hall of mirrors" of their own greed and anger, endlessly creating "karma". It is for that reason that in this New Reality the bridge to the Higher Dimensions is Compassion, for those who live by the Law of Compassion are pure of heart and will not be entangled in the illusions of greed and power.
The Starchild is pure of heart and seeks only to explore,adventure and share the gifts of Spirit. There is nothing to hold, to own or to hide, for all is open and clear in the Cosmic Fields of Light which are the playground of the Starchild within.
To journey in the Fields of Light it is necessary to be also a Master of Light Harmonics. This simply means to have activated your Light Body and to be able to function with that Light Body from its center in the Heart.
The Master of Light Harmonics is centered in the Heart and Grounded in the Earth Star Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra. The Master of Light Harmonics is able to keep the Light Body in a state of Harmonic Resonance with Divine Light and Will, and to absorb Cosmic radiations into the Light Body with ease.
The Master of Light Harmonics is always fully aware of the Energy and Light around him or her, and is able to maintain equilibrium and balance at all times.
When these abilities have been mastered and integrated, then you will be able to ride the rays of light and journey in the Cosmic Fields of stars with ease. You will be able to flow with the Cosmic waves and you will be enabled to shape the quantum flows into the reality of your choice in the processes of co-creation with the Light.
The Master of Time
Beloveds, when you enter into this Field of Starlight and you ride the Cosmic Waves in the 6th Dimension, you need also to be a Master of Time.
In the Higher Dimensions, Time is fluid and flexible, it is not a "fixed" reality as it seems in the lower dimensions.
In this Quantum level of Consciousness, you will learn to master many flows of time and to be able to exist in many different cycles or timelines at the same time.
This is not an easy task for the Mind, which has been conditioned to believe that there is only linear time as it is experienced on Earth. But, the Master of Time will come to know that all time exists in the Infinite Now, and that all is being experienced as One.
The various Timelines are created to allow the Children of Light to journey and travel in many dimensions of consciousness. Time is a tool, or a Key, for entering different states of Reality and Consciousness. In the 6th Dimensions as you become a Master of Time, you will begin to feel how you can move between these different flows of Divine Light and Energy.
The Physical Changes in the Body
Beloved Ones, as you move through these changes, you will feel some physcial changes. Firstly, these changes will activate the Pineal, Pituitary and Thyroid glands very strongly. Those who enter into 6th Dimensional ways of being will begin to experience biochemical and cellular changes in the Endocrine system and in the areas of the brain that deal with perception and data transmission and reception.
In effect, Beloved Ones, you will be altering your ability to receive data and light transmissions from the Higher Mind of God. This means first there will be changes in the Pineal Gland, allowing for a wider reception of Cosmic "bandwidth". In physical terms this may mean feelings of pressure and headaches or muscle pain in the back of the head, the base of the skull and the shoulders.
Then, the Pituitary Gland will start to restructure, and you may experience feelings of dizziness, foggy vision, strange noises in the ears and vertigo. The brain is being realigned to not only receive new data, but also to begin transmitting data at higher levels through light transmissions through the eyes and sound transmissions through the throat at the thyroid. So, the Thyroid will also be affected by these shifts and changes. In these cases, many of you will experience flu like symptoms with bronchitis and sinus, as well as Thyroid balance problems such as waves of heat, low energy or hyperactivity.
You may also begin to experience "time overlaps" as you begin to Master Time. In this process you may have intense Past Life experiences, or Future Life experiences that must be resolved and integrated into whatever experiences you are dealing with in Present Time. The key to dealing with these episodes is not to get too involved in the past life itself, but to recognize that these "time shifts" or "time overlaps" are your own way of integrating data so that you can move between your different timelines with ease, and so that you are free to travel the Cosmic Waves as a Master of Time.
The Eye of God
At the time of the June Solstice and towards the beginning of the New Planetary year at the end of July, many of you will use the next of the Golden Keys to enter into the 7th Dimension of Light, where you will become the "Eye of God" in archetypal language.
The Ancient Egyptians understood that the "Eye of God" was that place or that state of Consciousness where the Being becomes a portal of transmission for Divine Light and Divine Will. At this point, the Being no longer rides the waves of Light, but becomes a lens through which the Light is focused. This requires absolute mastery of Light and Time, and the ability to transmit and ground Divine Light.
It is these beings who become the "Eye of God" who will be the anchors for the manifestation of the New Earth. As the Divine Light is focused through the lens of such ones, Divine Will manifest around them and through them, allowing the Divine to manifest and create through pure Love and Light.
Beloveds, at this stage, the manifestation is not "my will", but "Thy Will", and the Being serves only as a portal for Divine Will and Manifestation without any expectations and Desires. This is the work of the Ascended Master in Human Form, One who knows that the Human Form in its highest frequency is a vehicle for the transmission of Divine Will and Grace.
So, Beloved Family of Light, for those of you who seek to grow and evolve in the Light, there is much to look forward to in the months that lie ahead. The time leading up to the 11/11/11 alignment will be a powerful time of growth and evolution for many of you who are ready and who are called to be part of this new awakening and opening.
For those of lower consciousness, it will continue to be a difficult time as the old illusions of the lower dimensions continue to create stress and disharmony in those who have no understanding of the processes involved. For you, as you grow and expand in the Light, your work will be to hold Compassion in your Heart so that this Love may touch all those who are yet to awaken to the Reality of the New Earth and its creative potentials for each person.
We wish you Joy and Love in your Adventures with Light, Harmony and Time!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

2012 Zero Point Preparations, Zero Cost

Lotus lily messages have been arriving to pull all from chaos-shadows further into solid Light awareness levels. Collective Ascension is underway. These loving messages are freely shared with those who magnetize themselves to them as a result of dedicated Soul Path Work. The lotus lily leaves and blossoms literally rise above the waters at this moment, these words will uplift you and assist you to rise above your natural Earthly circumstances. Enlightenment symbolized through a lotus flower, rising from darkened waters to clear waters of Source. This message IS for you. This is to inform you that you have been chosen by Light Family affiliates to receive a heightened and advanced Golden Soul DNA Attunement through these words, AND also through a lilli Full Moon Master activation on May 17th. Golden Realm Beings are sending a message to all of you now. Soul attunements will be put forth for ALL WHO CHOOSE at no charge to all those who choose freely to receive them for the next months ahead. Wesak festival energies of this month of May are master realm initiation moments not to be overlooked. Now is the time. Place your sacred glass of water on your altar and drink it up! Full-hearted intentions must be clear. Therefore to clearly insure your own personal DNA activation intentions your fellow Cosmic Light emmissaries ask that you please send a photo, privately to lilli, that resonates with your beingness and which also includes your name or a 'frequency' name of your choice.This is for commitment and to anchor the Golden energies soldily into Mother Earth's core. This opportunity is beyond this world, fantanstic, and it comes to you WITH THE DEEPEST LOVE for the greater good of all involved, on and off this earth. It is ONEheartedly, a message of LOVE and of  PEACE. Through Higher guidence a collective activation will take place through the help lilli vehicle. Simply join in only if this resonates with you, for this is not for sceptics or those in doubt. There must be 100% heart-to-heart commitment, and obviously the Light heirarchy will filter through all Lightbodies for Truth. Golden Light Soul Activations are a gift to this world, and this informs you that they are now available due to the tremendous collective compassionate Light inflow work you have all done personally and together as ONE. This is one of the many rewards you will receive. You are joyfully honored.
lilli vehicle, as part of the ONE PLAN, has been prepared for this Golden Moment for over 20yrs, and the collective call is now. Honoring all Life, this Beingness is fulfilled through all incarnate souls. Light encodements will arrive quickly and intensely from here on out. Partake in these unity preparations through free will, and know then that smooth sailing is your chosen vehicle.

Deep within your Golden Soul,
I AM the very voice which calls you forth,
drink from the living waters,
and be renewed in Presence,
to the Omnipresence of Soul
Snowy peaks await you,
as this crystal core wand touches and activates all anja points,
Blossoming Golden Lotus crowns
a blessing,
to follow,
in deepest gratitude,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Seal Operative Gatherings

Natural phenomenon has revealed its secretly covert operations. Actually, put another way, secret natural agenda overrides all other agendas. Times are toughening up for all earthly agendas. The falsness of reality becomes apparent to inner perceptual truth gauges. Higher beings are weaving higher plan threads at an increasingly fast pace within the earthly fabric of all daily upgraded galactic human blueprints. One's purpose is to consciously anchor the new layers of this multi-layered galactic plan to earth now. Many are receiving dreamstate vision access now of current natural earth activities. Dolphins, Whales, Seals and many other aquatic helpers are TRULY in full operation now. This entails an elaborate perfected compassionate plan of action. These beings are physically incarnated Higher Plan extended family members to human form
Adjusting to these concepts stretches one's reality thresholds, yet it is time to consciously work together with our fellow extended Light Family more concretely and DIRECTLY. Use your intuitions to further your connections....create 9D medicine wheels, healing Atlantean altars or sacred water spaces, do meditations at the beach to consciously connect and call them physically to you, etc. Do anything that inspires you to make even an deeper connection than EVER before.It is in your collective best interest and wellbeing status. Create and nurture these relationships, now, for it is through this highly conscious light connection that the LIFT-OFF ascension will be possible for all human skin forms. Many are doing this but quantum is the key, more must consciously be directly involved in the process now. Spout your truths collectively to the world! This actually may appear to be extra or additional work for you, yet it is not; you are being nudged to re-invent work, and blend previous work ideals, to a more evolved and efficient level of labor-joy. Many MANY many of you are struggling with this very nature of "work" right at this moment. Remember that life as we knew it, is no longer.It is clear right livelihood must evolve to better more efficient form. We have to re-invent and re-create from the muck of the chaotic mindset/ways, new forms of existence and new forms of sustenance. Tune into the higher natural intelligence of all oceanic beings.They await to assist you, but you must consciously ask! Establish a direct telepathic link and you will receive fresh GOLDEN GUIDENCE, in the nature of recreating the established world as you have known it. An exterior job crisis is at hand, which exacerbates the internal nodes of the heart. One must breakfree and create new paradigms of working sustainablity. The purpose here is collective harmony and happiness for the whole. So many human-forms are feeling this crunch of ideals. Radical ideas MUST come forth NOW, to pave the way for new SOLUTIONS to unfold and flourish in this fertile world of expression. The power of necessity is in the now. Jupiter shows herself for this reason...tune in to all celestial shows and energies..they are not to be overlooked either...these links assist in the collective co-creative process....heightened radical ideals are here to create new form. Find a new corner on the market, as false markets crash, fresh, splashingly playful ways and opportunites are just around the corner just for your FUN!. Fear not the strangeness of new thoughts of creation, as all stages in time have revealed the same crossover point. Evolution unfolds to Heightened Realities in Form.
Celebrate that you have been chosen to herald in the NEW GOLDEN EXPERIENCE.
Those of you sensing exteme anxieties now, can breathe easy now, knowing that this is all happening to inform you that YOU ARE PLAYFULLY TO FIND NEW WORK EXPRESSION! Think of something that has never been done before and DO IT!
Move forth in your greatness of expression. Push yourself beyond the common dull expression into realms of magically miraculous forms of living and healing expression. Take your great ideas and deliver them in your cart to market! Use your current 3D to multi-D assets and expand upon them, tweak them to the newly awakening audience of evolution. Blend the tools at hand with your newly found and discovered enlightenment tools, bringing consciousness into this current moment of collective earth sustainablity.

May these working  words of joy serve you all, dear Family of Light,
together, we are GOLDEN fields of productive economy!
beluga blessings,