Sunday, May 22, 2011

Collective Empowerment through Golden Soul Temple--t

Holographic overlays are physically in place for Golden Soul recipients. Cosmically opportune portals continue to open up during these most golden times. The waves continue and I encourage all others to step forward into Golden Unity Overlays. I lovingingly come to you as compassionate vehicle of Golden Holographic Expression in form to share gifts in service to the One Beingness of Love.Celebrations are at hand, for ALL who courageously continue to step forward in firm mututal dedication and mutual self-responsibility to read these words. Encodements follow. This is a Collective Interportal Partnering Project of the One Light. Timelines will be transcended, as you physically remain here on Earth in skin-vehicles of light, as Earth and Humanity are transformed into higher light harmonics. This is a result of Mother Earth hearing your call and your unconditional love heart-call to her! Right place-Right time, YOU ARE! Many of you have been dedicatively working on your soul purification processes for a long time and your light fields are WELL shined from the pressure of life's experiences and you have been buffed into expansive diamond star-beings on Earth. Your radiance is seen, felt and logged in the annals of time. Your positive cosmic accounts overflow with abundance in positive deeds. Your soul fields shine beyond those of most. This is free will. You have chosen WELL your steps. Many of you have been "buffed", it would appear to hard, yet all serves in realizing Self, and the heightened service calls you forth to do even GREATER work now, than most. Your true character of selflessness and devotion is duly noted at this time. A series of activations and attunements are underway for all of you, and many others, the purpose is to activate as many GOLDEN SOUL TEMPLE-Ts on Earth, as possible. Others, born into Golden wiring of DNA, will be mastering Golden Holographic Skills at this time scale, for this is a new experience also for them to be here on Earth, for many. The density and layering of realities often hinders the Golden Ones. In additon there will be many Golden Children born now on to Earth. I have touched and visited many. It is of great importance that I call all of you, young and old,  Indigo guides, Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows and Light Others to now assist the Golden Ones to arrive and/or aclimate on Earth and to comfort them in their frequency overloads as a result of density symptom shocks. LOVE LIGHT FREQUENCY holograms are intact, for this very reason.We are to serve the other. THIS WILL TRANSFORM EARTH.
For this I am, also, most humbly and gratefully, here.

5D to 6D transitions give us GOLDEN KEYS.
The are the next harmonics of light.
The Humanity and Nature along with the FULL moons are profoundly anchoring these transmisions. Wesak Full Moon of May proved to be an exalted QUANTUM Golden Opportunity for many incarnated awakened ones.Chaotic Times proved duly ripe for the occasion. I encourage you,  and all, to now PREPARE FOR JUNE, as each cosmic moment brings us more and more fluidity in the Dance of Light.Take time in Nature, do crystal work, sing, chant, dance, reiki, meditations, write, clear your hearts and lives of debris ( a bit more).You will then begin to feel the presence of a 6D and & 7D higher forms of light within your physical world. This may come in "realtime" experiences for some but mostly in dreamtime vibrational work from guides and Golden Ones. Don't be surprised to see Golden Ones...ALL IS LOVE. Geometric forms and colors will arrive to assist, or simply make them a part of your integration process. Divine Masculine and Feminine portals are balanced once, and for all, as a harmonized whole BEINGNESS is grounded and anchored deeply into Mother Earth's core. This Gold Unified Field is for all to partake in, if one so chooses. I recommend that the GOLDEN WORD be spread to as many Light vehicles, as possible. I bridge all the colors, I bridge the rainbow into Golden Light of Existence. It is an honor and gift to serve.

What does all this mean?

1) Your body and mind now are fused completely with your Golden Soul.

2) You Golden Soul purpose will unfold. Through many lifetimes, the culmination of your Purpose is now    revealed to you. So intuitions, synchronicities and dreams will point the way.

3) You are Happy and Peaceful.

4) Your channels will open more and more. Each Golden Soul has specific leanings, so gifts will be revealed uniquely for each Golden One. Wisdom from your Core comes freely, without the use of  electronic devices!

5) Akaskic memories will be available to ALL of integrity. You will travel and KNOW a GOLDMINE of information.!

6) You will become like water, flexible and as fierce as a flowing GOLDEN river of  LIFE. Strength in Flexibilty is GOLDEN POWER.

7) GOLDEN SOUL to GOLDEN SOUL communications open up. Each in-process individual will through experiencial experience become to know this to be true, quickly, and on MANY LEVELS AN D FORMS.

8) Unlimited Travels! in 3D, ....4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, infinity!!! most will choose to keep this in the dreamstates for now.

9) GOLDEN HEALING OPPORTUNITIES. You will heal yourself, your family and others. Collectively, we will come together to do even great healings than ever imagined....personal emotional and physical healings, healings towards others....Earth healings...clearing water, land, oceans, toxic regions, spaces of debris and negativity. Remember the Celestine Prophecy book and movie by James Redfield?

10) GOLDEN LUMINOUS LUMINOSITY IS YOURS. You rejuvenate and fill with vitality AND  become a Spring of Life for yourself and others.

11) Your life will be protected in Golden Sphere of Light. The Rainbow Band will be by your side AT ALL TIMES! Your guides, masters, saints, angels, lightbeings will collectively surround you at all times. You will be forewarned and guided by them of all upcoming positive events and disasters.

12) DNA timed release messages will be stored in your auric field and within your cells for later beneficial use, when the necessary time arrives.

13) Your mind will purposefully serve the Soul in Higher wisdom interactions on Earth.This is a profound gift as many Light  inventions, Light constructed creations, Light alternative technologies, Rainbow Band musical creations, Light writings, Light seminars and humanitarian projects will unfold to be anchored into reality manifestation on NEWEarth.

14) You can bless your life as well as others, with positive GOLDEN infusions of Love and see the results, instantaneously.

15) Spiritual laws will be anchored through you, as a living Golden example.

16) Eternity is yours, in the here and now!

17) Enlightenment becomes not just a word but becomes YOU in expereince. You serve in mutual loving kindness, in generosity, in harmony, in balance and peace towards all beings.

magically, you realize,

18) The Pot of Gold is truly yours!

and lovingly share IT with others,

A Golden Child, I AM,
Shining this joy to others,
silent golden radiance,
I come to you in YOUR dreams of  journeying home,
The Golden Chakra is anchored through you to Mother Earth,
breathe easy,
Light Harmonics unfold now on a higher Octave,
blessings to you,
in collective celebration,

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