Monday, February 7, 2011

Epic ride, Epic impact


                                                                 Sails of Wind

Tunnel winds blow, we are in the wind tunnel now. These tubular winds are playing tubular bells. Hear the orchestrated songs of time within. There exists a rushing of events now, beyond the average 3D unfoldment,  and it will be felt by all according to personal perceptions. The threads of Light  that have been gathered currently by each individual are being integrated physically in each respective physical vehicles at the present moment. The collection of light threads by each person has been calculated and noted by Higher realms of experience. This has allowed for personal perfection for each incarnation in expression. The effort and perseverance levels of each incarnate has been logged in the annals of the recorded universal tomes. All action is recorded from all experience. Full expression is the goal, however, fear-threads still exist in some, and greed-threads…jealosy threads…selfish strings, also, can be seen…so the distilling process reveals proper placement of each light quotient gradient per being. There exists no right nor wrong, no good nor bad, no up nor down, simply there only exists proper placement of each particle in time. We are all particles of sand which now must fall on the shores of time. The tunnel winds blow us now as far as our light matter garments will allow us to travel. Some will travel further than others, but all will be placed accordingly to their own correct-personal-intentional-shoreline-placement within the One River of Life. We will all go exactly and perfectly where we need to go. 2011 will appear for many as out of time. There will be a sense of completion and fulfilment on many levels…personal physical, planetary, cosmic, galactic and more! It is now that the coming-together of many cycles inside time and outside of time are linking up once again. We are adding however new spirals to this collective spiral process. The collective evolutionary system has been clicking away for an enormous amount of  time, to reach the hands on the clock of NO TIME. Zero Point. It is a great achievement for those who can sense these finer, more subtle levels of experience and perception. Many of you have arrived here to serve and to take part in the magic in the experience of these time cycles. You are the Time keepers!

So..what does this all mean..?

These next wave-spells in time will be extraordinarily intense!

Energetic storms and physical storms will converge and come, one on top on the other. Great loss will appear in 3D illusion. Do not be attracted to the movie in time. Where you find yourself physically is where you will be asked to love all life in form. Each one of you is needed right where you are at this moment. Feel your purpose from you heart and listen to the next steps. Fear cannot enter into your equation, so if there is resistance in any way, you are to GO to the Resistance area of your life and work it out now. This will make the upcoming moments smoother for you. Please take the time to clear your path a bit more now. This will bring your levels of Love up to a little bit more expanded expression, which will heal and balance you more and correct others perceptions closest to you also. Love the ones FULLY in your current heart circle. The
Golden Circle
is your band of Gold. It will also serve as a form of turbo boost, a power pack for the near future. You will need this tool soon, so consciously shine it up, hone it, and place all WHOLE loving friends and family in it now. This is the Golden Ring Love.

Take care of your loved ones closest to you. This will be a physical process, but also be extra aware of your phenomenal abilities that you have at your fingertips in the realms of Light. You may be asked to work on Higher and Larger ways, for example you may be asked to transition many souls into the Light, at the same time your are actually physically shovelling up the mud that has entered your house from a storm. And at the same time you many feel a friend across the world who is also going through a hard time, a loss of some kind, embrace that person from where you are, give your heart away to all loving connections. Be in all of this and anchor your love from your heart to Mother Earth also, LOVE HER WITH ALL YOUR HEART, TOO. Love from as many different rays of connection as you are conceptually capable, and each day try to make your love emanations bigger than the day before. And, as usual, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your personal guides, angels, the luminous ONES etc for more help in the expansion in your expression in love. Believe each day you are an even Bigger and Bigger expression of Love in form. You ARE a Fully actualized Luminous Human being. Believe it, so be it! Celebrate the treasure that you are! A gift to the world, to ALL.

Sunflower rays of joyful omnipresence,

In humble offering and gratitude to you,

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