Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Multidimensional Ascension Attributes!

As the unfoldment of multidimensional awareness expands and seeps into reality, a deep sense of confusion and anxiety may occur. Remember, as a child your legs hurt upon growing. This is much the same, however, it is a much more profound experience, as your MANY bodies are stretching with galactic growing pains, ALL at the same time!  The intention is to keep focusing on The One, this simple act, harmonizes all.

You are spiritualizing density for the first time EVER!

Your five senses will rapidly and infinitely expand into multi-senses! Smells will become stronger and often distasteful, so use aromatheraphy to soothe your soul.And don't forget to smell the flowers... AND babies! There will be a hypersensitivity to all light, so sunglasses are a must! Everything will begin to shimmer. Enjoy the ever-expanding visual beauty! Touch will bring you ecstacy, so spread the touch and comfort those around you. Know that YOU give and receive the love. Your tastebuds will also be ultra sensitive, so choose foods wisely. The simpler the better and avoid foods that give you an automatic aversion. Enjoy the sensations of your eating experiences. Tapioca might become your favorite dessert! Your auditory senses will become sharper, not only will you hear all gifts on earth more profoundly but you will begin to enjoy celestial music and hear guidance, as well. Nature and birds will come to speak to you.


As you go through the different multi D rings of experience with your physical body you can expect what might appear to be miracles occuring. Your thoughts literally begin to create! At first it begins, on a small  and subtle level but after a while this synergistic process builds upon itself as in the snowball effect. At first, the basics transpire, one thinks of a friend and then they call. Then one thinks of artichokes, as he\she is camping in the desert, and THEN a traveler passes along a bag of them! One thinks of a good intention for a friend and then it happens! Little by little one's breath is taken away by greater and greater levels of manifestation in physical reality. A ticket to India is a piece of cake! Build the dream project! Imagine World Peace!



Not to worry, you are still here, as yourself, working, doing your human stuff, but somehow LIFE IS JOY!

Life becomes based on the guidance of your intuition. One learns that if the inner voice is denied then life is just a bit harder, so in process, little by little..INTUITIONS BECOME EVERYDAY. And then THIS even expands! Personal intuitions are available at first, then familial intuitions, then communal intuitions, then human collective intuitions, Earth intuitions become one's own, and beyond! One receives inner guidance for personal issues, family issues, etc. One KNOWS what one needs. One HEARS and KNOWS even what to cook for dinner! Or one hears what the little ones, the babies who cannot speak yet, need! LISTEN!

Sometimes one might feel dizzy. This is normal, so take a break, sit down and breath. All your physical systems are working hard through this adjustment process. Lavender oil is a gift from the Mother. Crystals are extraordinary gifts for each one. If you feel ungrounded and are walking on clouds, sit under a tree, and root into Mother Earth through the tree's help. Nature is there for YOU! BE The Child! Swing in a swing! Return to your original roots of childlike wisdom. It may be necessary to review daily, again and again, your diet, your habits, your relationships, your level of self-love etc.... and to make ongoing proper adjustments, accordingly in your process of spiritual growth.

Dreams will become more powerful and lucid. Simply witness them and soon guidance and intuitions will flow through to you in the form of messages throughout your day. You will be receiving  energetic attunements and adjustments nightly from your guides. Relax, knowing you are embraced by the light. Partial dreams may trickle into your moments as you are going about your daily tasks. Witness them and be grateful that these moments are signposts for you saying, "GOOD WORK! YOU ARE ON TRACK!" The same goes for dejàvu feelings, they will become bigger and longer, and appear to come more often. Synchronicities will become the norm and you will become "used to" THE NEW NORMAL! You are s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g yourself into new normal Human Luminosa experience!

Emotions may run high, so be easy on yourself. Deep sadness may set in, in relation to earth events, family news, humanity's turmoil, etc. Give compassion, this is why you are able to feel. So give loving compassion daily. Witness your emotions, saying, "this is human anger" or "this is me, as human, experiencing deep sadness over a tragic loss" then BREATH. Remember the power of prayer and positive intention. FOCUS ON THE LIGHT.

Be GRATEFUL for all experience.

Know that the gift of your compassion, is a responsibility to serve the other.
You may SEE and FEEL actual 3rd eye videos in your mind's eye, as you visit with a friend, to show you the other's trauma. This is so you may target the love to the area precisely with your loving intention. Compassionate love gives you this gift to serve and love the other. On some days, if all this gets too much, close your energetic body, pull it in, take a small retreat and don't allow incoming messages AND don't forget to shut off your computer! Learn to ebb and flow with the incoming energies. RIDE THE WAVES.

If your confusion is too great, call upon The Great Ones for assistance, always. Remember to ask for help, when things get too scrambled and too anxious. They are there to help, yet you must ask! Listen again to intuitions, if a feeling is strong, ACT UPON IT!  Connect only with like-minded and supportive friends. Miraculously, as it may appear, many of you might start seeing The Masters of the Realms, Your Guides and\or your physical earthly friends and animals, etherically appearing to you during this time, as the veils are getting thinner and thinner, as each day passes in your earthly time. Krishna, Quan Yin or Babaji may appear to you in full shimmering radiant full size form. Your son or best friend may appear etherically, by your bedside, at night. Golden Beings may often be by your side. Stars of mulit-colored lights my appear many times over people's heads or by their sides as you chat with them over chai tea break! Often friends will attest to also having seen you etherically, as well, at their meditations across the globe!!! Believe!

There are endless and infinite benefits to this luminous human experience!
Life has MORE meaning,
Truth IS!
Beauty IS!
One's appreciation levels become an ever-expanding joyful expression
of cascading effervescent gratitude!

You hold all the luminous Human rings,


and dance to ALL the music in the spheres!
love blessings,

1 comment:

  1. If you could please offer me some guidance on this, e-mail me at ashhenager@gmail.com
    I've been experiencing this all after only starting meditation a few weeks ago and it's kind of stretching me thin and confusing me a lot.
