Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quetzalcoatl's Tail

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Dear Earth-keepers of the Fifth Sun,

The tip of the golden tail of Quetzalcoatl touches into the atmosphere of earth, presently. There is a soul knowing that will ring in your heart upon hearing these words. It is a treasured time to be PRESENT. Quetzalcoatl's winds from Venus begin to arrive to you. He, as her, is the feathered golden serpent of Teotihuacan who returns as Goddess Quetzalcoatl from Venus. Isis returns in Golden Light again to pick up the pieces of broken man. Witnessing this blessed return is an unspeakable gift to all conscious incarnates on Earth today.
Many wayshowers chose to BE HERE NOW to take part is this grand event of many! This is when the fireworks begin to flash literally in the skies! The great show has begun! This is the Golden Return of ISIS- QUETZALCOATL. SHE touches each and every ONE of you with highly electric golden opalescent pulsing liquid love light. The flow to Earth will be subtle at first, as the very tip of HER tail enters into the Earthly field of expression. Many will have dreams of comets or bursting explosion events in the sky, this is to prepare you for these glorious emanations of aquarian liquid light waters. Enjjoy! The energies from HER will soon be very precise, directed and fierce once Her tail enters deeply into earth's crust.

Astrological and astronomical verifications will, also, soon arrive, saying that SOMETHING IS HAPPENING! It is recommended that one follow all celestial events as much as possible to ground this information into the 3rd dimensional reality. Follow the Venus Cycles, they are of great importance, at this time, and they will provide a deeper scientific understanding as to what is occurring. It is quite complex for the mind to conceive; it is beneficial to embrace that NO MIND eases in The Return of the Goddess.
Actual astro-physical resonances will arrive to further integrate your bio-field. Focus on the heart center of the body, the heart chakra, as the thymus will be attuned to higher and fuller aspects of loving-compassion for further sharing and healing upon Earth. This neurological heart center rules and governs the body. It will be woven together into your many hearts from all existence, as ONE HEART on an even finer golden threaded level. The golden heart of the KA-lightbody will be literally sewn together, etherically by your guides, with your own human physical heart. A new level of clairvoyant resonance will arrive to the planet through HER arrival.

Divine Feminine Teachings of LOVE RETURN!

One's purpose at this time is to express infinitely through ART, LOVE and BEAUTY.

The harmonics of love are here for those who choose to receive HER new gifts.

Be harmonious, Be creative, Be intuitive,
Be showered with the radiant abundance from Quetzalcaotl's flowing garment of light,
now is the time,

to take in this breathtaking light show  in the skies!
Feel the magnificent diamond treasure that your are,
a star in this world,
shine and be happy,
joy is yours,

for more info

1 comment:

  1. I had a dream about a feathered serpent with a tail that looked like this. It was rolling up its tail. I had never seen this picture until now. I was surprised to find that this is the same lunar planner that has the harmonics and colors which I have been looking into because of other dreams I have had!
