Beloved Earth Guardians and Planetary Stewards,
The ULTIMATE KEY gifts are within the soil. The particles teachings are within the organic makeup of MY bounty on Earth. Remove, competely, the word struggle from your lips. All joy is here, but the task at hand is to open the eyes\EYE simply a bit more, to let a little more light of bliss enter into your world vision, which YOU co-creatively ALLOW into your screen of projection. Broadcast and project The Joy, and amplifiy these emanations through heightened LIKE-MINDED exchanges ONLY. Do not settle any longer for lower vibratory relations, in any way. Enough is enough. Sweep your house clean and only allow in, through your heart temple doors, serious path-seekers of The One Love. Personal vision must come from FIRST from your ONE heart, then the ONE HEART, ONE EYE, ONE EARTH extends forth to the collective masses, physically and etherically.
I call upon you...
to call forth a sacred Earth plant to you right now, for increased love receptivity, harmony of body and\or for etheric clearing guidance, mild, medium or strong. You may receive this reminder to acknowledge the great bounty of organic teachings and viable healing that resides within the cellular crystaline structures of green and fungal organic matter of Earth. May you select the proper range and calibration of plant essence, tincture, tea or sacred plant form that best suits you, in this moment of great clearing and preparation for New Beginnings. Ask for assistance. A physical facilitator-helper may appear, if need be. Advanced clearings will be done with physical guidance SOLELY, when one puts forth the call with deep intention.
KEY ENTRY mindfullness.
Sacred dedicative servers are allowed the sacred teachings, only.
The Earth Mother weeds out her garden of pathseekers meticulously
for the greater good of all.
She calls YOU now to her breast.
Her heart is YOUR heart.
Use your intuitions to guide you. Flower remedies are here now, packaged and dispersed by Fellow Servers.Bach AND Bush Flower Remedies are gifts to and of this world for your taking! Bach Rescue Remedy initially works best, then other Bush combinations....then Bush flower essences can assist later in higher vibratory attunements. It is recommended that you pursue the use of some of these great gifts put forth by your Fellow Servers. It is a gift. Know also that there are other FULL spectrum organic plant agents which are also available for INTENSE housecleaning, as well. Research Sacred Botanicals online or in your local library for the one that might suit you. I plant the seeds of iboga for those who are ready for accelerated ascension clearing work. The sacred botanicals have been within the tribes for thousands of years and now it is time again to return to them publically to all LOVEpath- people. They can assist in psycho-spiritual clearing. All the single ray-color tribes have received notice from higher realms to share these gifts within the collective rainbow tribe now. The shamans\shamanas of South America, Africa, Mexico, North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, The Poles, all ISLANDS, and BEYOND.... share the sacred knowledge now with you! You will be magnetized to one, and\or maybe more, oftentimes in the dreamstate by your etheric guides at first or possibly by a African shaman on earth who works within the realms, administering in the dreamstates or in realtime. You may be experiencing clearing in this way, without the actual physical experience, as well, so know that this is REAL teaching coming through to you also for your information gathering needs. It is fully legitimate experience. In your waking moments, then, read about iboga, yopo, psilocybin, ayahuasca, hikuri, amanita teas, Bush, Bach, and more! It is an important notion to be able to conceive of and integrate Open Eye Visuals now and theThreshold Effect of Unity Experience, at this time. Also negative pattern removal may be personally necessary, as these patterns no longer serve one in New Earth. One must SEE to believe in the possibility of MORE LOVE and MORE HAPPINESS.
How much bliss can YOU handle right now...?
Imagine a World of Peace!
It is of great advantage to sip from the golden chalice of life with you. To taste its sweetness, its utter ecstacy of golden liquid love trickling down your throat and into your every cell. You, as you, will never be the same, and for the better, YOU will realize, the YOU that YOU ARE, eternal ever-joyful being of light, gifted in human earthly experience to serve.
here now
Witness mind,
Witness body,
cascades of healing flower petals to you!
in loving glory to serve,
you are dear,
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