Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Corridor Visits to Crystal Castle

This is a direct call to YOU,  and only YOU, BEing of LIGHT. Ascension adjustments have been your EVERYDAY for quite some time now. As it turns out, the word ascension and the idea of ascension has been your normal mental framework for many lifetimes. It is time to rise to a higher level of station now. This is old news, re-remembered. It has come to your present Earth awareness that there is a multidimensional travel tube shaped like giant corrugated pipe which has an infinite amount of rippling ridges within its full length and extension in the cosmos. It is circular in form with many parallel ridges and grooves along its outer and inner surfaces,  much like a vacuum cleaner tube, but greatly larger in form. It is a transdimensional tube for Light travel in which you enter for all your travel needs.

Many are familiar with this corridor-gallery and visit within it using their Light transport vehicle, on a regular basis now.
It is you, Lightbody, which travels miraculously and freely EVERYWHERE.
KA...Diamond Self....Merkabah....Glorified Body.....Christed Self....Golden Body...Body of Bliss...Supercelestial Self....Immortal Body......Adamantine Body...Lightbody....YOU

This memory is in your cells, in your DNA.
As you enter the temple of Light, it is easy to perceive yourself as YOU ARE, LIGHTBEING. With ease and facility ONE enters the crystal chambers of the Golden City, and experiences the limitless expression of love, floating in pink bubbles of bliss, within effervescent tingling sensations of endless joy and unending abundance. True power, joy, wisdom and unconditional love are tangeable sword-tools within your golden hands of light ON Earth. This Crystal Self views the 3D Earthly Self with utmost compassionate aptitude. Yet, YOU, as you, may still feel that your true self is limited within lower worlds of expression. Your earthly perceptions and ways may still be fooled by the illusion of your third dimensional viewing. You are, however, simultaneously experiencing both, though one view might be more dominant than the other, right now. In one expression you are a Being of Light within the Crystal Castle Temple and in another, you are a human being in (falsely) limited earthly third dimensional expression.

There are parallel realities of experience. You are presently visiting them in your lucid dreamstates. Take a moment to observe your present reality on Earth. Now take a moment to imagine yourself clothed in Light. The two are ONE in the SAME. Some may have an easier time viewing one more than the other. This is normal. The polarity of experience is set up this way for personal growth. At the threshold of 5th level of expression polarity dissolves. If your starbeing self is more attuned to your LIGHTBEINGNESS, then earthly life may seem more difficult, at this moment, whereas, if your earth-tribe self is more acitvated in you, your Lightbeing expression may be a bit distanced from your comprehension and full understanding, at any given moment.

This is where the Corridor, leading inside and outside of time, comes into play and service. At first many of you will travel at night in sleepstates, not remembering a thing. Dreams will take you visiting, up and down the Corridor. This passageway has many access doors within its corrugated parallel rungs. You will ride through these rings at light speed with your guides, you will be shown many teachings and insights in a flash of a moment, stopping and visiting at various personal geo-spiritual reference points often. A cumulative light explosion dream will then send you into further heightened exploration, much of which will be unexpressible and indescribable in human words or experience. You will then become familiar with the rings of time within the passageway and you will learn to explore them on your own. Mastery comes quickly, for this is nothing new to you, really at all.

Spiritualized Metamorphosis is a natural and transformative human process. Your time release DNA is biologically ready; it is time to release and shed the last layers of your 3D cocoon. There is no loss or pain or fear. It is only a memory of Light, that which you already are. Nothing changes and yet all changes, for the better. Your family, your friends, your yoga-mates will notice positive changes in you. Physically you will glow, literally, and radiate greater joy to those who are within your auric circumference. Everything in your world, within your home and within your family, ALL within your own personal field of reference will improve, for the greater good of all. Your personal life will become much more happy, and ...thus your world will greatly be benefited and enhanced by the radiation of your many personal joy experiences, infinitely unfolding.

The higher realities can view earth realities easily, but it is the earthly realities that still remain a bit fogged and clouded for viewing the lower to higher perceptions. This will be cleared up soon, as more and more of you anchor the heightened frequencies to Gaia. A healing link then is made from the 5th to the 4th and then into the 3rd expression of form. It is NOW brought down to establish heightened senses of perception to assist all. Descension is Ascension. Ask that your creative 5th expression of Light form be brought to you in the dreamstate. This will smooth over your moments like butter and then allow a steady stream of light encoded information to consistently flow within your physical bloodstream. This will then upgrade you, your endocrine system and your DNA, IN THE MOMENT, as needed.

EARTH NEEDS YOU in your highest form of expression.
Now is the time to fully awaken every fiber of your lightbody circuitry within your physical human form for the greater good of all.
You family needs you to do this, your community needs your full potentiality, your country needs these awakened expressions anchored in the physical form,
ALL lightbody consciousness is urgently needed now.

The Long Dark Night is over.
All stewards of land and sea awaken,
Let go of the erroneous and ancient fear of annihilation.
Learn how to activate the breath of the Cosmic Day,
at this kali yuga closing,
point zero beginning,

thrilling radiant joy,
lovingly, lilli

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