Tuesday, March 29, 2011

13th doorway ascension

Do you feel as if you have been sucked through a huge vortex funnel? Does it feel as if you have died yet you are still here? Does it feel as if your body has been de-particalized over these past days? Are you suffering from multiple shocks to your organic system?


An actual collective birth is taking place for all of you. It has been a painfully long and arduous labor for many. You many feel as if you have been ripped to pieces from every aspect of your being-ness. Many are experiencing shock wave ascension fatigue, extreme emotional shutdown, breakdowns, breakups, splits and multi-shattering event symptoms on HUGE resonance scales.

The Mother births herself through a collective feminine octave on the 13th scale!

WE literally, collectively, become HER wave of living waters.

We have washed through the eye of the needle as particle beings now reemerging into 5D light form. All other dense forms cannot fit through this passageway.
We are now ONE particle wave of love, individually and collectively.
Feminine-Fusion has created a mass explosion throughout all time and space which has catapulted the One Beingness into higher expression. We are here, NOW!

You may feel extremely overburdened, overtired, over-shocked and OVERWHELMED,  yet you know that it is love which you are, stripped to nothing but core-love CENTER! Remember to be the eye of the storm as LOVE-center always.
Ride these waves, You are more equipped than most, you are more than prepared and ready. Find the ones around you who seek solace of the heart and hug them. Embrace them entirely when you feel you can come back out into the world. Take time to work through as much as you can but do it quickly, as to keep the divine feminine momentum moving daily. As crushed as you might feel, keep the love radiating at all angles from your heart star.

Many may not even be able to eat, as a result of ascension multi-shock but Love the self, through introverted service until action becomes your next step. EBB... flow, as the tides. Learn to ride the energetic tides with the moon...wax...wane.



little by little, you will get used to the new I AM golden template,
just as you learned the baby steps of the human chakra system now,  new vortex doorways are available for passage and entry.



BE simply a lily of the field,

you are loved and honored for your courage,

divine loving grace flows to you,

blessings, lilli

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