Saturday, March 12, 2011

Golden Living Waters

Dear People of Planet NEW Earth,

As the initial shocks of frequency impacts reverberate across the globe, YOU are to use your gifts wisely, ceasingly, consistently, proficiently and meticulously. Lower attractor levels are completely unnecessary and useless at this point. Descriminately utilize the power of your limitless loving compassion. This is, as you can now detect, the beginning of The New Beginning. Many celestial cosmic radiations intensify and merge, as you are safe in the Mother's Womb, within a protective cocoon. You are enveloped in a soft protective layer of golden light filament fibers of the Mother's celestial-earthly garments, as you shockingly witness the harsh and unfriendly illusory environment  that is placed before your eyes. BE SOLAR-LUNAR ECLIPSED FIRM PILLARS, as another immoderate cycle of 84 has just begun with the revolutionary and shocking celestial body of Uranus. Shocks and surprises will be the norm for these revolutionary times. There is no room for complacency as Jupiter GONGS in, also,  for BIGGER and BETTER expressions. Lighning speed changes and electrical revolutions are necessary to release these much-compounded high tensions across time and already at hand. It is about balancing the positive with the negative ions of productive change! This will continue to be a global series of events of revolutionary inventive scenes for the greater good of all. "Expect the unexpected" is the theme. Uranus will stay immersed in the first house of fire for 7 years, but this will flash before your eyes at the speed of light, as Gaia with humanity passes through the golden ring of fire.


Take this time to participate in these momentous moments. DO YOUR PART, however BIG or small, for whatever gift you now grace upon this world is ever-more greatly appreciated and in fact has huge positive impact on all sentient beings and Mother Earth. It is time to step forward within your compassionate role as a TRUE world server. Find your place and read the fine print of your job description. Throw the diplomas out and simply share your gifts with others and allow your light to shine! Every gift that you have, can, and will, fill a void in another's heart! All passions of the heart are called forth to be expressed FULLY, now.

We are of ONE COMPASSIONATE HEART. May love fill your beingness completely and overflowingly.
May the Living Golden Waters of Source pour forth collectively from all your hearts into the One Stream of Life, soothing all, healing all, loving all. Many will be called to assist in transitioning earth souls at this time in the dreamstate or other. BE ON CALL for the Greater good of ALL. Distance intentions and healings are crucial and much needed. ALL your services of loving-kindness are much needed. Compose the new songs of Life. Create the new healing modalities. Build new art forms of new world creation. Put forth alternative models in all areas of life. Speak The Word. Impart The Knowlegde. Open fully your living channel of Golden Light. DO IT NOW! Your loving contributions to humanity will not be overlooked!

and most importantly,


as the concentric golden spiral rings lift you collectively up into finer and heightened shared expressions of LOVE,

here and now,

be peace,
loving blessings,

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