Friday, February 4, 2011

Travel Plans

You have your ticket!

There are a select few on Gaia who already have a ticket in hand for the Big Show! Many already have their bags packed. This message is for those adventuresome traveling souls who relish breathtaking brilliant vistas and enchanting golden far-off lands. This message is for all those who love the smell and taste of earth and all HER mystery. She knows who you are. There are a few travel preparations still at hand, however,
so take heed, and brush up on your travel list before it is too late, for the doors of time will be closing soon....

It is THE GREAT opening, within a GREAT closing,
This is the swooshing of a galactic sliding door which allows individuals through only at a select time.
you are chosen.
the time is now.
This is the 13 Baktun portal!
We built this door together before time, and now we walk through this door IN time.
It is unprecedented, never been done before within this reality.
It is the sipapu tunnel,
hear the song of the master tube-instruments playing
the song of peace,

The song is within these words, it is audible to some, and felt by others, some do not know yet what it means
but it works their cells into resonance. It entrains the bodies to higher keys, notes of opening. Personal Perfection is here for all.

How can we be ready? What can we do to prepare?

1) Your soul's garment, the lightbody, the KA, is to be worked daily. First, find your inner medicine wheel  (the balanced cross withing the circle) of North, East, South, West, HEART, Above, Below. Anchor in ALL directions. NOW. It is so simple, many of you know it and do it daily, but DO do it and do it LOTS throughout the day, until your Light vehicle is floating in this world, within the moments of your everyday. You might forget about time but still stay in time, this is the paradox.Your merkabah is your vehicle now.....this is more important than your car now, so maintain it! Imagine points of light, star rays from your body. Become a star unto this world! This is a literal process. It is real! You can do this wherever you find the grocery store...on the bus...even in your car, if your are an advanced soul technician! but first try it in your home, in private, on the couch, with a lit candle and a cup of tea. Call in your guides for assistance. Ask for help to attune your vehicle more and more everyday. No matter how busy you will be, it is well worth the effort, as your day will flow ever more smoothly as a result to this simple practice.

2) Stay within circles of light, in your community, online, in the etheric realms etc. Now more than ever it is important to nurture and be nurtured by the light. Ask for like-minded high frequency individuals to surround you at all times. The old relating will sluff away without notice and new relating will appear. Extend your gifts to others. SHARE in all ways. Many meetings are taking place in dream realms so work in them as you do in 'real' time. Physical meetings often take place very soon after the dreams now. There is much less lag time in our manifested realities. Thinkit-feelit-liveit! there is a compression of events taking place, a fusing of realities. It is such a gift, for our soul's growth can be rapidly increased within simply one day. Time is completely different now, and spiritual growth is phenomenal, if we so choose. You pick your own growth velocity!

3) Visit sacred sites. If you are blessed to live near any, go to them. With the newly incoming cosmic energies arriving daily, many sites are almost fully switched back on again (thanks to the hard work of our fellow lightworkers, on and off the planet), so balancing, codes and messages can be directly received once again. There is an infinite bank of universal light information available for all now. When the lightbody opens up more and more, the circuitry receives its flow of information download, daily. Time realease codes are now coming in, due to the sound frequencies arriving now. There is a huge inflow of re-remembering that can take place to assist you in your super-accererated-wake-up-process. Remember that also you can ask to visit any of these sites etherically, through meditation or within sleep states. So again ask to visit many of the activations centers as you are magnetized to them. Some of the places exist only etherically too, so research a few, and go to the ones which attract you.
Receive and allow the energies to move and shift you without much thought. Your guides will do most of the work. Surrender to the process, allow and trust in this process of Light activation.

4) Receive healings, balancing, reiki, lightwork, sound and\or color healings in the physical, etc... if it comes to you. Receive what comes to you with an open heart. Do not atttach to the tool, however, simply use it, and move on to the next.  Things are moving very fast now for one to even cling to any of it. Many tools, people, healings, balancings, books will arrive..receive all now with purpose of INTENT to build your light quotient, your light fiber content, your Shining Self! And again share your talents and gifts with others, many times a mutual sharing will take place, so be aware of this Give and Take process of Love. Pass on the information to others, as you feel inclined. Intuitions will guide you in this also.

5) Remember that all the externals are simply an illusion. As solidly real as it may seem, this world is just a hologram of picture shows. Many upcoming events will appear too much for the human mind, heart and eyes
to bear, yet it is absolutely crucial to maintain a perspective of loving detachment at all times. There is no death, only transition into more and more living experience. Hold your center in love and help those closest to you at this times. In the meantime, make the phone calls, write the letters, post the blogs, write and share the music, paint the paintings...the world needs these vibraational gifts now more than ever, because there will come a time when the grids will shut down. We will then use our telepathic gifts more to connect.

6) Practice and embrace your multidimensionality. Hone your spiritual gifts now. There is much literature on this..on becoming a galactic human....a homo luminoso....but the main focus now is on sending out earth distance healings and on sending out telepathic love support to all individuals of the light. Also the eternal living masters respond to our loving recognition, as well. We must stay in gratitude to all beings inservice at this time. Gather as many aspects of your soul's work now, by this it is meant to attend to your many day you may feel Mayan, the next day a Druid, the next day Hopi, the next, an Inuit, the next day you might feel Incan or Aztec...the next Pleiadian...or Australian Aboriginal or New Zealand Maori...another time you may feel Dolphin or Whale energy communications or you might feel all of this at once, with many more...the sky is the limit...and the ancestors are calling the codes back to you. Research these tribes and peoples and beings...they speak to your encodement..Ask and you shall receive the gifts from the past, present AND the future. Then, next, ask for assistance in your multidimensional integration process from the Golden Ones. They will seal all the gaps within the many layers of existence. This will give you additional protection, as well. You literally can be on an earthquake fault area and experience a 9.0 earthquake and be unharmed. You will be swept away to safety. The earth and cosmos need you and Gaia knows what she is doing!

7) Listen to your inner guides at all times. Be ready to make fast moves and changes. Simply know that all that is important is your Self and your loved ones. Be willing to leave All behind. Practice non-attachment now, either way it will be integrated, no matter what. Have a mental note of what you would physically pack. As all travelers know, it is easier to travel light!

8) Pay attention to the animals. Ask them questions, if they appear. "What is your message to me?" "Are you a primary totem?... or a secondary journey totem animal?"...research totem animals (Animal speak is a great reference) and read about their purpose...or ask the animal "are you bringing me a message from a friend?" These animal friends have a direct link to Mother Earth, watch their you see seabirds flying away from the sea? ( a storm is coming) or are they leaving the planet in mass numbers through collective suicide? The New World is drawing near... The more one attunes to nature the clearer one's intuitive messages willl be.

9) Hold Gaia in your hands and send love to her! I recommend doing this every day. It can be visualized in a meditation or simply hold your hands in front of you and FEEL her there! It is one of the most powerful things we can do for now. She needs us, humanity needs us, and this serves all other realms as well. As below, so Above.

10) Love thyself. Only allow LOVE into your living experience. Your home is your temple, so is your body. Eliminate all people, places, things of disharmonic resonance NOW from your life movie. Recreate it into higher and greater love experience. Believe that your deserve the highest love ever imagined on this earth. It IS for YOU! Reflect today on your diet, your relationships, your behaviours, your fears..what is keeping you from your LIVING experience? We all can sweep a few things out of our sacred corners. Keep your temples clean, inside and out...and know that you are all diamonds in full glory!

May this serve,
in loving brillance,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Jilli!
    Got KA, will travel!
    ...much fun to share in the preparations and actual journey with you!
    you are a loving inspiration for this world!
