Friday, February 11, 2011


Golden Ring Fusion

In time, today, we celebrate another spectacular end-beginning crossover. Many feel the compression-expansion energies strongly. You may feel "out of your mind", but it is known that this is a good sensation, as it IS YOU who feels! "Too much feeling" means you have made it onto the next spiral switch! Congratualtions!

9 rings have been completed!

We have collectively compressed and expanded 9 cycles over the course of billions of years!

This is unprecedented in earthly time!

Truth is exposed.

The quickening becomes even quicker. One manages growth cycles more efficiently within these finer and  more subtler spaces.  Many events have clicked away in time, you have all felt them. These are succession points which have assisted in difining one's placement within the timeline chronology. Succession points are integration points within one's personal experiencial experience which pinpoint "YOU ARE HERE" on the cosmic-earthly map. Find out where you are through your dreams also. Often dreams will show where future events will lead, and then the future events are trickeled down into your now. Images on the inside and outside viewing screens may be seen as the same, these are "flow in" moments to show you where you are. The full impact of  Truth is reaching all peoples in different measurement and calibration, yet the truth IS: that TRUTH is now globally exposed! Right Ethics rules! It is "the changing of the guard" day where true power is returned to the truly authentic!

Today, herald in THE NEW EARTH!

the galactic 7th day is closing soon,

Ask to get in the door!

Have KA will travel!

As we enter into this Universal Cycle, tell as many friends and family as possible, for those who have ears will hear! The spiritual track pace will be quickened now. Days and nights will be faster, and awareness will continue to be exponentially exponential. Organize "historical" events in the mind for a minute to see the magnificent revealing in presentation. PastPresentFuture are one looping timeline in the Now! BE an indicator of patterned change through your human evolutionary creation. This understanding will bring peace in the EYE of the storm.

8 months of Collective Peace Transformation is at hand!

What to do now?



gratitude rainbow ribbons of peace,

to you, 


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