Mindful Madness
Adjustment time has arrived. All events are purposeful in their respective perfection, for this is the crescendo of events designated for this time on earth. Detached love is most necessary at this time, where the distance spreading of loving energies permeates the grid of Light, which you all have created. This grid of light architecture of geometric forms is sturdy and strong now, and it will sustain the new creations of Light into greater and greater forms of expression. It is absolutely crucial now to only have thoughts of Love from here on out. This is the ticket always In and OUT of time and space. Our collective energies need to be powerfully and intentionally focused on ONLY the positive in each situation that is witnessed by each incarnate on earth. She, most of all, needs our loving compassion, as well as all the souls serving humanity at this time. SEND LOVE TO ALL THE REGIONS NOW! There is no need to discuss excessively, nor to view too much of the box, but do stay informed to what is going on by tapping in to details daily, simply for the mere intention of being more direct with your loving rays of healing. They are swords of Light and clear the pathways for those who physically Serve in Love. We must only feed and nurture the Light at this time. Enough is enough, and now the chips must fall according to how they have been placed in time. Reach out to all your fellow earth companions, at this time, more than ever. Connect and build upon the Love quotient foundations every day. Make a concerted effort to serve in whatever means possible. Everything, that each of you has been gifted with, is most needed at this time. Make the music, write the poetry, share your advanced spiritual talents, chat and make new connections, and SHARE your hearts with others who are on path. Now is the time where Light supports Light, this will create an exponential springboard platform for further collective lightbody expansion. Stay rooted to Mother Earth at the same time, feel her changes as well, love her; she is birthing herself into a new form of expression, WITH us. She is shedding her old skin which no longer serves, as we must do the same. New beginnings are bright and beautiful! I rejoice in this shared collective experience with all of you. The Rainbow Serpent is moving once again.
Peace to each and every one of you
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