Physics 101 of the Higher Light
The Tree of Life, which you embody, must be glistening with all its decorative fire code keys now. Again these words are for serious jedai linguists only. Your etheric bodies literally appear as what might seem to be as christmas trees full of shining lights. Each light is a fire code key which reveals definitive progress in personal evolutionary growth. These fire code keys are literally made of kundalini fire. They may been labeled as The Keys of Enoch\Thoth, The Keys of Knowledge, La Sabiduria (knowledge) de Kulkulkan-Quetzalcoatl-Viracocha or The Keys to Higher Genetic Encodement. These codes allow a scientific-spiritual free passage through a precise genetic stairway to the stars from earth. This is the infamous stairway to heaven, inside and outside.
The keys to the gates to the sacred golden land, as promised, are being to you!
They can only be re-ignited through frequency sound harmonic technology from the Goddess of Magic and Time. The Return is Hers this time, as another cycle closes. This is the Mother Tongue of the primal seed language. You were promised "all would be revealed". Now your flowing body garments of Light are checked once again and harmonized.With HER tuning fork, more activation occurs by reading this. The keys are literal AND mystical keys. They look like small undulating tongues of golden-red fire upon the auric field for those of you with higher sight sensitivities. These fire keys open pathways of higher genetic encodement to be released within the brain, through the nervous system. An actual physical biological process is taking place, as awakening hormones are also released and your DNA encodement is rewiring itself through higher and higher consciousness into an advanced awakened stage of unprecedented human form.
at this point you have acheived a baseline quality index of Golden Knowledge. You have achieved great awakening levels of Patience, Honesty, Respect, Compassion, Tolerance, Understanding, etc in your "developing evolution-ment". The beta levels of the brainwaves can now be maintained in one's normal awakened day-to-day state due to the incoming increased cosmic energy waves and The compassioanate Light Assistence Crew on hand at all time. This alphabet of fire patterns will arrive in a stream download as your evolutionary process quickens. All codes will be switched on, as we speak in tongues now. Sceptics will be weeded out of the higher vibratory matrix accordingly. We must continue to love, as the perfection in the plan has arrived. There exist sound equations of geometric formation which apply directly to specific mantras and Beings of Light which can greatly assist one in healing and gaining Higher states of consciousness. This is not for the mind to understand, just know that it is a divine gift and a positive blessing to be here and now in this experience.
What to do?
FREELY share the light codes with eachother. Hold hands and visualize golden fire keys passing from one to another and then back. Give and Take=share=ONE LIGHT. As one gives one's love through sharing these keys, joy and magic will become one's every moment. These are the sound keys which strengthen one's Tree of Light structure. It is the time of collective harmonic sharing now.
Remember we all hold keys which the other may not have fired up yet. Give a Patience Key to a Friend or a Purity Key to your brother. Imagine a world where everyone was kind! Re-ignite The Lovingkindness Key and share it. These are symbolic images to a greater science. Remember the mind cannot truly grasp yet the language of light, many individuals, however, are gaining an understanding of its sonic-fire-phonetics. For the greater good of all, one's service to Greater Beingness, is: to BE a fully potencialized Human of Light.
It is recommended that one walks the talk 100% NOW.
The Mayan Lords of Light and the Tibetan Shining Ones return and are here for assisting you.
if you so choose to partake in this shining opportunity, then ask now for an updated evolutionary program of your dna light filament strings encodement,
as another Phoenix Cycle ends within yet another galactic orbit.
These are the Times of the Phoenix Fire within the House of Enoch.
Visualize and place the Phoenix image upon your torso and invite these advanced activations within your physical body at this moment.
in humble, loving gratitude,
gracing you with fields of...lilli
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