Thursday, April 21, 2011

Starfish Realizations

Popping through Dimensional Membranes is no easy task. A star fish is neither a star nor a fish! And so it is thus with you, as you realize yourself as Light Being!  Onions have many layers, we peel and peel away the layers...yet one final membrane exist.... or does it?  of nothingness, emptiness and void! It is a full void of creative expansive possibilities!!!


You have already been contacted by higher realms, your gifts are acknowledged and have always been in your pockets and backpacks. Nothing is new, yet all is! The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional light-hoods are here. It is to be seen by all, soon. There will come a time in the very near future where all will SEE, as we quickly pass through more gateways of Light.  "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (mark 10:25) You are all "camels", and gloriously rich by notion of the Light!

There is no need to label the Light Beings who are assisting humanity at this time, much can be found out about the various starpeoples across space and time. Simply to know that they are here, makes one breathe a sigh of relief. All is OK. We have our mentor-big sister and brothers to help us again now. It is because YOU have done the anchoring of light, as manifested Light/Luminous-humans so methodically that their manifestions are here and can be of help! So tune in to all celestial bodies of choice, if you so choose. ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION NOW (or continue to!). This can be done through art, music, the written word, alternative healing arts, organic farming expression, animal whispering, dolphin swim healing work, plant medicine vision quest collective work, readings ...and an endlessly infinite other choices!

The star connections enter the brain, through a distinct electrical current process, which is complex and truly divinely inspired. It would boggle the ordinary scientific mind to short circuit! We are here to help with the connections, LEAVE THE RE-WIRING TO US! As you dream your dreams, you will AWAKEN more often in them... I WOKE UP IN MY DREAM! this will become an awakened dream continually soon! The dream willl shift to the real time days and the events will lift and merge with other membrane reality manifestation possibilities. TRY THEM ON! You will find that the unfolding chaotic event disturbances are actually catalyst points for change...they become the trigger points for manifestation entry...tears within this 3D reality membrane will allow new realities to bleed through into your perception dream inventory! Shocks become a way of life, but the shifts actually will become easier when so much is changing, you will laugh because there will be nothing to hold on become FUN to let go LET GO, LET LOOSE of that which is no longer of use to you. Sometimes Light assistance requires a letting go, at a demand moment, you will find that the choice at times is taken literally from you hands and you are difinitively told to turn left, on your own AND FLY WEST! Mother Earth and the Cosmic brother/sisterhoods call you elsewhere. YOU ARE NEEDED, YOUR LIGHT MUST BE ON A PLANET VORTEX POINT. Pay attention to these, not so subtle signs. Resistance must remove itself from the onion!

I call you to, once again, re-assess your global positioning, to listen to the light heirarchy NEWS which surrounds you, to pay attention to the glorious skies, at all times of day and night (if possible),  and to observe mindfully the cloud formations, sunrises and sunsets.... and the aurora borealis emanations, upcoming. The vibrational messages are present.
You are galloping very quickly through space and time to your core, THE ONE LOVE, within, without.
Macro-micro stars!
Changes are rapid and continual at this point,
they will not let up,
surrender, it is for the greater good,
be comfortable in new comfort zones,
sit on a new couch of experience daily,
change its tapestry fabric color choices often,
May these words comfort you with a Golden Song of Love,
you are cherished,
you are expressions of Glory,
of grace, manifest,
blessings, lilli

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