Sunday, April 3, 2011

Colobri Posterities

A uranyl region of spacial cosmic energies continues to arrive to earth through monumental transcendant waves. Revolutionary transfiguartions are happening all at once.The BIG cosmic rug has been pulled out from underneath, and shook! As global dust settles, do not doubt, it is win win! Whether there is resistance or not, matters not, for the changes COME for optimally correct modifications, for each and every one of you! This uranyl revolutionary force begins to wet your toes now, and flows entirely into your every cell, exploding into Golden Light one's beingness, fusing you, alchemically, within the now available template of Golden fractal perceptions. Be as elemental uranium, free of all toxicity, and vibrate harmonically ONELOVE within the oceanic waters of the ONE.
There are NO coincidences, as you know!

One must release all pre-conceived incoming daily informations, moment by moment, in order to transcend more smoothly into, the now available, inexplicably glorious shimmering realities. Yesterday's news is old bread! Give it to the birds and FEED YOUR SOUL with new food. Omni-verse reality informations are rapidly arriving from off earth star brothers and sisters at an ever-increasing quantum rate as gifted loving service from your fellow earthly human anchor funnels. These informations are all here to assist one to "see through the murky waters" of 3D earthly realities.


the 13D inflow is here for ALL who choose to tap into it!

Believe, for it is beyond your wildest  and most enchanting dreams of  JOY!

Stay in ONENESS, within the heart, IN TIME!

Anchor anchor anchor this unified cosmic resonance!

as you maintain and modify your crystal altars AT HOME!

Now it the time to reside in the fluidity of Golden Grace. Focus on receiving through your infinite and ever-expanding telepathic multi-skills.

Remember this is beyond mind perceptions,
so relax, breath, listen to the birds,

This is another LULL before the next BIG STORM. Those who reside in golden unified one-ness, you know who you are, are in Golden Protective Bubbles. Keep giving fully to The Fellowship of Oneness, from whatever physical vantage point on Earth that you find yourself. All is correct. Do not worry.
Fires will spew from HER core, yet the hummingbird's sweet amrita protects you entirely.


in joy and love,
these messages are nectar for your soul,
blessings and posterities of peace,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much beautiful soul!
    These are such encouraging, beautifully flowing words to help keep the waters calm as we drift down this cosmic river of change and transformation. I FEEL everything that you say... it is so wonderful to see it in writing. Love you!
