Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pele Awakens

Nature communicates to those who have earthly perceptions intact. Nature is your purest most direct messenger at this time. The Hawaiian volcano goddess stretches her extemities, her red lava blood flows deeply, soon surfacing. All cycles in flow. Listen to the birds, the lizards, butterflies, moths, insects, the coyotes, the crows...they all speak Truth. Listen and then ask questions mindfully, waiting for reply. Share  these messages, lovingly and responsibly, with those who have ears to hear.          

Pele is this earth's "canary in the coal mine", observe HER movements daily. She is our "Earth-Shift detection device". It is highly suggested that all seismic shifts be watched closely near Kilauea.

She IS the navel of this world,  and SHE calls all to witness the re-birthing of her fiery force, as earthly transformations commence and accelerate rapidly across HER crust. The rumblings have begun, many of you feel these deep solar plexus changes within your bodies. In your own navel areas upon your earthly bodies, a tug is anxious yet exicited stirring rumbles within your core, just as within The Mother Earth's. This is simply because...... your every cell, is HER cell. Your navel is HER navel.

Pele is a traveling soul, SHE leaves a vulcan trail in her path. SHE is both creatress and destructress. SHE is the dance of  fire, lightning, volcanoes and SHE is THE forceful violence, at times in great need for change. SHE may appear to many, in "real" time, as an old beggar woman, for it is her way to test the pure of heart. Those who take from her WILL pay, her temper is just. Many will have goddess volcano sightings across the globe, as SHE awakens humanity through her lava stretching.

Her Polynesian roots stretch far, and as one burst begins, a chain reaction will follow. This will have huge impact on humanity, as already shockwaves reverberate back and forth across the globe, and infinitely beyond. All human consciousness trembles, whether admitted or not, yet more is to come. This is the path of the ONE, the purifying fires affect all. These fires will spark across karmic regional channels, bursting forth and releasing tension held for eons.
Too many of HER stones have been removed.
Pele demands that all be returned to HER at this time.
Once these earthly fires activate humantiy into shock, the cosmic fires will be ignited, to assist in gathering more souls to ONE SOURCE. The dates and times are all set in motion by The Timekeepers. The ashrams of the heart on earth are absolutely necessary for maintaining Agni-soul-fires of pure space. Affirm the Fires of Love across the globe in your pure sanctuaries of the heart. Golden Light Domes protect those within these pure golden bubbles of love, which you each have assisted in constructing, through dreamtimes and real time.

Tranquility comes through acceptance of The Known.

A pikaki lei of gratitude is placed over your crown,

glorious recognition is yours,

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