Monday, April 11, 2011

Aurora Visitalis

The Northern  ice cap regions have been of much notice and attention lately. Aurora Borealis, Northern light shows are extraordinarily active. Solar charged particles originating from the Sun are arriving at a higher and more frequent rates in to Earth's auric field through the polar regions. Super charged Solar particles are vibrating at higher and faster rates that ever before. Northern energies can be seen and much beauty is to beheld in their magical energies. There is now an explosion of this phenomena coming to earth. Its arrival is to announce once again increased energies are arriving for all sentience to receive energetic upgrades at this moment. The human auric field directly responds to the sight, sensations and magnetics from these incoming luminous rainbow energetic undulations. The human auric field, the light body, is constantly being shifted for the better. It is the completion of a great and challenging endeavor to acheive these states of resonance within the human skin form. It has never been done before. We have evolved to this catapult point, which will spring all forth into heightened conscious experience in form. One's lightbody will pick up these not so subtle energetic charges, flowing and circulating through earth's auric field bands to prepare us for the next magnificent steps on the human pyramid of evolutionary consciousness steps...

The Nine understories are complete you have been informed.

Light assistance is here now through the energetic form of the flowing multicolored bands of undulating light across the globe. Many thought the appearance of our light family from the stars would be a more solid visitation yet please know that this is real live visitation from our off earth family of Light. Many races are participating in this intervention. This is why the golden-magenta protective bubble energies are here for us all now. The One has worked it all, all the way down the celestial steps to earth to reach us. Many of you will have revisitations now, from very dear star brothers and sisters, after a prolonged lapse of time. Now they are back to help us once again. Many were told that they would hear a sound upon The Return. It is sounding off now, with the arrival of these extra charged super energies. The Sun's cycle is directly related to all, as you know. all other planetary bodies have been consistently monitoring and helping in many ways. All is for the proper loving unfoldment of conscious evolution in form through time and then beyond.

A super charged ship of golden light has blasted through to our layers and resides over the crown of Earth's Northern polar region now. It has arrived. Heed these words within your heart. Do not fear, all is LOVE in expression. Now, more re-remembering will take place in your dreamtime and "real" time. Relax and receive the images from your guides and light helpers. Most of you should have found your Light Life Partners by now, for time has brought them to you. Take their hands and run with these new energies across all your moments quickly...time will be no longer.Find the new modalities of work together. Seek the eternal now. Eternal Love.

Let the others go, now, give them all your hearts in the time you have with them, and then move on to Rainbow Pastures. This is literally The Pot of Gold region.
My dear ones, resonate, then shift and change daily, as you let go of more and only love...for there is nothing cannot hold on to anything now..nothing at all...liquid light rushes through your fingers...only the golden threads of existence trickling through no time.

Therefore if you smell a flower BE come it! and then let it go! If you are with your child, love FULLY everything, every moment. for this is the gold within your fingers...



a KISS upon your cheek in this golden message of love,

We welcome you!

namaste lilli

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