Saturday, April 16, 2011

LOVE Axis of Power!

All Masters, Star Beings, Light-hoods, Awakened Ones UNITE!

The glorious days of celebrations are upon us! With exalted beingness we bring forth renewed and refreshed soil-energies to be planted with seeds of One-ness. All else is washed away. The Plan is of Togetherness in One Spirit race of all colors, all spirits of love, of all regions on and off-earth. WE UNITE in ONE-ness now celebrating the greatness of the exotic-ly powerful balancing libran energies of FULL MOON MOTHER Goddess. Balancing Times are at hand. We have the golden eggs now in our ease-ter baskets. BREATH the peace back into your human lungs now once again. The intuitively reflective ways guide us now. The energies of all warrior goddesses unite into Athena's civilized Plan once again under NEW MANAGMENT. The time has come for new reigning parties to take back the reins. There are now new riders on the white horse guiding humanity back into the loving and comforting embrace of HER ARMS. Justice no longer is blindfolded!

Take time, as a priority, to breath in and invite into your current space the loving touch of the Golden Goddess. She endows you with sword, shield and helmet of Love, so that you may pass them on to others who follow the path of bridging judgment into ONE. HEART rule OF LOVE. Peace is HERS, as no more will her energies be wssted on such friviality of little war. Focus only on the light of oneness and LOVE from here on out. All other holographic experiences are to be for the others who cannot BE. Fold away and close the history books and no longer repeat the boring stories of time. Now we write a new history of Golden Light. The last sands of time wash through through the hour-glass.

Over the past days, you have come to realize that your Light family has always been right by your side, and that alternate realities of joy truly exist. Some of  you have literally walked magically into new life situations and renewed and expanded blissful expressions. Shift and feel each day the changes.  Many many many choices are available...but you must be the one to experiment with this multidimensional awareness, of this reality in your real everyday life. Breath and imagine a greater more joyful expression, then put all your heart into it, and then watch it magic as all else that NO LONGER SERVES simply melts away. See the sparkle in your moments. Begin to work with larger creative visualization ideas is time to grow a bit more with these gifts which you carry, these tools from Creation...right within your hands...Learn to fold time and stretch will realize that you can never be late ever again. All is in perfect timing.

Call forth all that you presently need NOW. You must be clear to actually BELIEVE that you derserve these new creations within your holographic reality manifestion world.  The Full Libra Moon currently is gifting you more creation energy putty to play with, so ask and see it for what it is. YOURS to create in Love.

NOW and until the end of October huge positive changes will be unfolding in your personal lives. It is important to REALIZE YOURSELVES AS LIGHT. You will detemine how fast the good will come to you!
Repeating the light codes over and over has been very important over your journey but NOW...
THEY ARE...A MUST!!! AT ALL TIMES. This will help to dissolve residual human stickiness and attachment energies you may still be playing with...
repeat throughout the day,

I am light
I shall remain light
and there is no time. x3

I gift you with owl feathers,
your feet are winged as you fly everywhere now,
you are crowned with golden protective armour,
you eyes are diamonds which turn all darkness into stone,
Continue to touch the world with your light.
Beam it!
I thank you for your radiant presences,
your strength,
your courage,
Manik-deer blessings,
you are the archer in time
aim well with your collective intentions of love,
your arrow is right on the mark,

celebrate ALL of the Moon festivals, FULLY,
the next 3 are very important for the first steps 1-2-3
then it will be 13x18days...and we are there!
BE-hold love,

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