These transmissions are for those advanced multidimensional souls on Gaia who are working within the frequency bandwidths of 13 to 33D.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Simple Science of Every Day Life
Separate realities perish as cascading breakdowns are taking place at mammoth levels. Many of you are sturggling with the colassally tragic ever changing moments of you everyday lives. The threads of the golden tapestry are however woven in time. Much resides between the layers still unseen to many at this time. The ultimate shock of multi-changes is rocking each and every ONE. Many losses are happening all at one time for most of you. The loss of jobs, of houses, of vehicles, of surroundings, of friends, and beloved villages is sweeping and swishing back and forth across the globe. As internet races beyond the speed of light to inform the masses of even greater losses daily, each one of you experiences additional daily losses, that make you feel stretched even beyond the thresholds of your pain limits. Many are falling now to the floor on their knees in tears, crying out in pain. "This is enough, I cannot do this anymore. I have done all that I can do. I surrender!"
In surrendering.....WHAT? surrendering EVEN MORE!...clear nothingness remains....
IN STILLNESS....WHAT? MORE stillness!!! still clear purity remains....
The energy bundles from this time period are condensing...this means that events will have even more profound and quickened impact on each person. Energy bundles are time-space blueprint encodements which our bodies adsorb daily through the ever flowing cosmic radiations arriving to earth. This was set within the Light Architectural 13 Baktun Plan in the with each link on our DNA responding to the inflow we are receiving the newly expanded energy bundle blueprints for the next month. Inflow dates coincide with the next full remain consciously aware of tauran and gemini moon...they are festivals of light not to be ignored. Put a glass of water on your altars for each month ahead and then drink it with your FULL HEARTED INTENTIONS. The Swan energies arrive once again, so receive! Focus on the swan totem to assist you in this process. Master realms float in on rivers of golden waves.
The writings here hold encodements for this process, as well. These words are meant to trigger DNA memory releases which will make the moments smoother for you. As ususal, these words flow from Golden Realms directly to your Golden Heart of Love.
You may feel that all is much too surreal at the moment, and that you are walking around in heightened states daily. This are normal expansion experiences. Those around you may not understand nor perceive what you the are loved you are needed at this time. Despite all of your inner and outer turmoil STAY PRESENT FOR YOUR LIGHT FAMILY. Continue to support like never before. Do the best you can at any given moment. And trust that this shall pass in the blink of an eye. YOU ARE AWAKENED and have always been...the true nature is exposed... BE real, here now! This way the anchoring points are secured even a ship anchor upon your that Heightened Help can do more work in 3D.
so pass it on...
Each fully encoded human-skin-individual adds to the collective light quotient of the planet....building the skyscrapers of light for all to SEE. Soon there will be a tear away point from 3D experience. Those who cannot see, will not enter. All have the same choice, in loving kindness, there is still time, but you must now take care of yourselves and your Light relations only. Responsibilty resides with the self first, always.
May these word tranmissions serve you all in some way, encodements are place delicately for each of you, and are present within.
my heart pulsates congratulatory blessings to all of you,
in gratitude, in honor of your strength, your perseverance,
so precious are you unto
The One,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Starfish Realizations
Popping through Dimensional Membranes is no easy task. A star fish is neither a star nor a fish! And so it is thus with you, as you realize yourself as Light Being! Onions have many layers, we peel and peel away the layers...yet one final membrane exist.... or does it? of nothingness, emptiness and void! It is a full void of creative expansive possibilities!!!
You have already been contacted by higher realms, your gifts are acknowledged and have always been in your pockets and backpacks. Nothing is new, yet all is! The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensional light-hoods are here. It is to be seen by all, soon. There will come a time in the very near future where all will SEE, as we quickly pass through more gateways of Light. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (mark 10:25) You are all "camels", and gloriously rich by notion of the Light!
There is no need to label the Light Beings who are assisting humanity at this time, much can be found out about the various starpeoples across space and time. Simply to know that they are here, makes one breathe a sigh of relief. All is OK. We have our mentor-big sister and brothers to help us again now. It is because YOU have done the anchoring of light, as manifested Light/Luminous-humans so methodically that their manifestions are here and can be of help! So tune in to all celestial bodies of choice, if you so choose. ESTABLISH COMMUNICATION NOW (or continue to!). This can be done through art, music, the written word, alternative healing arts, organic farming expression, animal whispering, dolphin swim healing work, plant medicine vision quest collective work, readings ...and an endlessly infinite other choices!
The star connections enter the brain, through a distinct electrical current process, which is complex and truly divinely inspired. It would boggle the ordinary scientific mind to short circuit! We are here to help with the connections, LEAVE THE RE-WIRING TO US! As you dream your dreams, you will AWAKEN more often in them... I WOKE UP IN MY DREAM! this will become an awakened dream continually soon! The dream willl shift to the real time days and the events will lift and merge with other membrane reality manifestation possibilities. TRY THEM ON! You will find that the unfolding chaotic event disturbances are actually catalyst points for change...they become the trigger points for manifestation entry...tears within this 3D reality membrane will allow new realities to bleed through into your perception dream inventory! Shocks become a way of life, but the shifts actually will become easier when so much is changing, you will laugh because there will be nothing to hold on become FUN to let go LET GO, LET LOOSE of that which is no longer of use to you. Sometimes Light assistance requires a letting go, at a demand moment, you will find that the choice at times is taken literally from you hands and you are difinitively told to turn left, on your own AND FLY WEST! Mother Earth and the Cosmic brother/sisterhoods call you elsewhere. YOU ARE NEEDED, YOUR LIGHT MUST BE ON A PLANET VORTEX POINT. Pay attention to these, not so subtle signs. Resistance must remove itself from the onion!
I call you to, once again, re-assess your global positioning, to listen to the light heirarchy NEWS which surrounds you, to pay attention to the glorious skies, at all times of day and night (if possible), and to observe mindfully the cloud formations, sunrises and sunsets.... and the aurora borealis emanations, upcoming. The vibrational messages are present.
You are galloping very quickly through space and time to your core, THE ONE LOVE, within, without.
Macro-micro stars!
Changes are rapid and continual at this point,
they will not let up,
surrender, it is for the greater good,
be comfortable in new comfort zones,
sit on a new couch of experience daily,
change its tapestry fabric color choices often,
May these words comfort you with a Golden Song of Love,
you are cherished,
you are expressions of Glory,
of grace, manifest,
blessings, lilli
Saturday, April 16, 2011
LOVE Axis of Power!
All Masters, Star Beings, Light-hoods, Awakened Ones UNITE!
The glorious days of celebrations are upon us! With exalted beingness we bring forth renewed and refreshed soil-energies to be planted with seeds of One-ness. All else is washed away. The Plan is of Togetherness in One Spirit race of all colors, all spirits of love, of all regions on and off-earth. WE UNITE in ONE-ness now celebrating the greatness of the exotic-ly powerful balancing libran energies of FULL MOON MOTHER Goddess. Balancing Times are at hand. We have the golden eggs now in our ease-ter baskets. BREATH the peace back into your human lungs now once again. The intuitively reflective ways guide us now. The energies of all warrior goddesses unite into Athena's civilized Plan once again under NEW MANAGMENT. The time has come for new reigning parties to take back the reins. There are now new riders on the white horse guiding humanity back into the loving and comforting embrace of HER ARMS. Justice no longer is blindfolded!
Take time, as a priority, to breath in and invite into your current space the loving touch of the Golden Goddess. She endows you with sword, shield and helmet of Love, so that you may pass them on to others who follow the path of bridging judgment into ONE. HEART rule OF LOVE. Peace is HERS, as no more will her energies be wssted on such friviality of little war. Focus only on the light of oneness and LOVE from here on out. All other holographic experiences are to be for the others who cannot BE. Fold away and close the history books and no longer repeat the boring stories of time. Now we write a new history of Golden Light. The last sands of time wash through through the hour-glass.
Over the past days, you have come to realize that your Light family has always been right by your side, and that alternate realities of joy truly exist. Some of you have literally walked magically into new life situations and renewed and expanded blissful expressions. Shift and feel each day the changes. Many many many choices are available...but you must be the one to experiment with this multidimensional awareness, of this reality in your real everyday life. Breath and imagine a greater more joyful expression, then put all your heart into it, and then watch it magic as all else that NO LONGER SERVES simply melts away. See the sparkle in your moments. Begin to work with larger creative visualization ideas is time to grow a bit more with these gifts which you carry, these tools from Creation...right within your hands...Learn to fold time and stretch will realize that you can never be late ever again. All is in perfect timing.
Call forth all that you presently need NOW. You must be clear to actually BELIEVE that you derserve these new creations within your holographic reality manifestion world. The Full Libra Moon currently is gifting you more creation energy putty to play with, so ask and see it for what it is. YOURS to create in Love.
NOW and until the end of October huge positive changes will be unfolding in your personal lives. It is important to REALIZE YOURSELVES AS LIGHT. You will detemine how fast the good will come to you!
Repeating the light codes over and over has been very important over your journey but NOW...
THEY ARE...A MUST!!! AT ALL TIMES. This will help to dissolve residual human stickiness and attachment energies you may still be playing with...
repeat throughout the day,
I am light
I shall remain light
and there is no time. x3
I gift you with owl feathers,
your feet are winged as you fly everywhere now,
you are crowned with golden protective armour,
you eyes are diamonds which turn all darkness into stone,
Continue to touch the world with your light.
Beam it!
I thank you for your radiant presences,
your strength,
your courage,
Manik-deer blessings,
you are the archer in time
aim well with your collective intentions of love,
your arrow is right on the mark,
celebrate ALL of the Moon festivals, FULLY,
the next 3 are very important for the first steps 1-2-3
then it will be 13x18days...and we are there!
BE-hold love,
Monday, April 11, 2011
Aurora Visitalis
The Northern ice cap regions have been of much notice and attention lately. Aurora Borealis, Northern light shows are extraordinarily active. Solar charged particles originating from the Sun are arriving at a higher and more frequent rates in to Earth's auric field through the polar regions. Super charged Solar particles are vibrating at higher and faster rates that ever before. Northern energies can be seen and much beauty is to beheld in their magical energies. There is now an explosion of this phenomena coming to earth. Its arrival is to announce once again increased energies are arriving for all sentience to receive energetic upgrades at this moment. The human auric field directly responds to the sight, sensations and magnetics from these incoming luminous rainbow energetic undulations. The human auric field, the light body, is constantly being shifted for the better. It is the completion of a great and challenging endeavor to acheive these states of resonance within the human skin form. It has never been done before. We have evolved to this catapult point, which will spring all forth into heightened conscious experience in form. One's lightbody will pick up these not so subtle energetic charges, flowing and circulating through earth's auric field bands to prepare us for the next magnificent steps on the human pyramid of evolutionary consciousness steps...
The Nine understories are complete you have been informed.
Light assistance is here now through the energetic form of the flowing multicolored bands of undulating light across the globe. Many thought the appearance of our light family from the stars would be a more solid visitation yet please know that this is real live visitation from our off earth family of Light. Many races are participating in this intervention. This is why the golden-magenta protective bubble energies are here for us all now. The One has worked it all, all the way down the celestial steps to earth to reach us. Many of you will have revisitations now, from very dear star brothers and sisters, after a prolonged lapse of time. Now they are back to help us once again. Many were told that they would hear a sound upon The Return. It is sounding off now, with the arrival of these extra charged super energies. The Sun's cycle is directly related to all, as you know. all other planetary bodies have been consistently monitoring and helping in many ways. All is for the proper loving unfoldment of conscious evolution in form through time and then beyond.
A super charged ship of golden light has blasted through to our layers and resides over the crown of Earth's Northern polar region now. It has arrived. Heed these words within your heart. Do not fear, all is LOVE in expression. Now, more re-remembering will take place in your dreamtime and "real" time. Relax and receive the images from your guides and light helpers. Most of you should have found your Light Life Partners by now, for time has brought them to you. Take their hands and run with these new energies across all your moments quickly...time will be no longer.Find the new modalities of work together. Seek the eternal now. Eternal Love.
Let the others go, now, give them all your hearts in the time you have with them, and then move on to Rainbow Pastures. This is literally The Pot of Gold region.
My dear ones, resonate, then shift and change daily, as you let go of more and only love...for there is nothing cannot hold on to anything now..nothing at all...liquid light rushes through your fingers...only the golden threads of existence trickling through no time.
Therefore if you smell a flower BE come it! and then let it go! If you are with your child, love FULLY everything, every moment. for this is the gold within your fingers...
a KISS upon your cheek in this golden message of love,
We welcome you!
namaste lilli
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Cherry Blossom Cloud Front
Dearest Gaia-Servers,
Please take time to ponder the ephemerality of nature. The transience of exquisite Beauty, in cycle. Pure White, pink-tinged pigments of heart petals fall upon earth. Celebrate New Cycles presenting themselves as Old crumbles and is effortlessly adsorbed back into earth's elemental world. Gather now together to celebrate the fleetingly radiant beauty of ALL LIFE. This staged natural Hanami performance is a sight for strictly clear eyes.This is the Spring of New Cycles within even Grander Cycles.
The Cherry Blossom's life is as one's own. In Oneness, this electric pure transient spirit IS life on earth.
There is much love to anchor to earth's magnetic core, from now until October! Follow meticulously all major upcoming celestial anchor days. BE diligent and persevere, you are loved from all 33 fellowship realms, and infinitely beyond!
Support is here AND WILL APPEAR!
THE Kaika date is NOW! Feminine Return is well-underway in balanced nature with her beloved consort, UNION.
Let not the events of the day distract you from THIS greater vison. Japan's blossoms have fallen to bless us with loving reminder, through great sacifice in humble loving service. Limitless-gratitude.Continue to send compassionate service waves (in mental, physical and spiritual means) to all. SEE the gifts that present themselves. Blossoms fall profusely now to earth across Gaia, returning to the soils of creation. Celebrate these pure petal-spirits who lovingly serve in time, and out.
THIS is a unified message of love, for as you are aware, Sakura-trees span this globe of change, now, as gifted symbols of fellowship.Remember.... THIS is a UNIFIED message of feminine LOVE, not to be taken lightly. These changes, as Sakura-trees, are no longer indigenous to Japan. The petals fall across Gaia evenly and equally. Mindfully track these events, as each petal arrives. No earthly region is exempt from radical change, from here on out. Mount Fuji's Cherry Blossom Goddess reminds all, to LOVE in cheerful and optimistic expression,
Celebrate with Blooms of JOY in your hearts!
Place petals upon your altars,
Rejoice in ALL cycles of l ife.
Love and support your family of light,
Kaikaku means radical change, during short time scale.
This is the time of new radical earth changes!
WE are ready,
Cherish ALL,
in LOVE,
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Pele Awakens
Nature communicates to those who have earthly perceptions intact. Nature is your purest most direct messenger at this time. The Hawaiian volcano goddess stretches her extemities, her red lava blood flows deeply, soon surfacing. All cycles in flow. Listen to the birds, the lizards, butterflies, moths, insects, the coyotes, the crows...they all speak Truth. Listen and then ask questions mindfully, waiting for reply. Share these messages, lovingly and responsibly, with those who have ears to hear.
Pele is this earth's "canary in the coal mine", observe HER movements daily. She is our "Earth-Shift detection device". It is highly suggested that all seismic shifts be watched closely near Kilauea.
She IS the navel of this world, and SHE calls all to witness the re-birthing of her fiery force, as earthly transformations commence and accelerate rapidly across HER crust. The rumblings have begun, many of you feel these deep solar plexus changes within your bodies. In your own navel areas upon your earthly bodies, a tug is anxious yet exicited stirring rumbles within your core, just as within The Mother Earth's. This is simply because...... your every cell, is HER cell. Your navel is HER navel.
Pele is a traveling soul, SHE leaves a vulcan trail in her path. SHE is both creatress and destructress. SHE is the dance of fire, lightning, volcanoes and SHE is THE forceful violence, at times in great need for change. SHE may appear to many, in "real" time, as an old beggar woman, for it is her way to test the pure of heart. Those who take from her WILL pay, her temper is just. Many will have goddess volcano sightings across the globe, as SHE awakens humanity through her lava stretching.
Her Polynesian roots stretch far, and as one burst begins, a chain reaction will follow. This will have huge impact on humanity, as already shockwaves reverberate back and forth across the globe, and infinitely beyond. All human consciousness trembles, whether admitted or not, yet more is to come. This is the path of the ONE, the purifying fires affect all. These fires will spark across karmic regional channels, bursting forth and releasing tension held for eons.
Too many of HER stones have been removed.
Pele demands that all be returned to HER at this time.
Once these earthly fires activate humantiy into shock, the cosmic fires will be ignited, to assist in gathering more souls to ONE SOURCE. The dates and times are all set in motion by The Timekeepers. The ashrams of the heart on earth are absolutely necessary for maintaining Agni-soul-fires of pure space. Affirm the Fires of Love across the globe in your pure sanctuaries of the heart. Golden Light Domes protect those within these pure golden bubbles of love, which you each have assisted in constructing, through dreamtimes and real time.
Tranquility comes through acceptance of The Known.
A pikaki lei of gratitude is placed over your crown,
glorious recognition is yours,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Colobri Posterities
A uranyl region of spacial cosmic energies continues to arrive to earth through monumental transcendant waves. Revolutionary transfiguartions are happening all at once.The BIG cosmic rug has been pulled out from underneath, and shook! As global dust settles, do not doubt, it is win win! Whether there is resistance or not, matters not, for the changes COME for optimally correct modifications, for each and every one of you! This uranyl revolutionary force begins to wet your toes now, and flows entirely into your every cell, exploding into Golden Light one's beingness, fusing you, alchemically, within the now available template of Golden fractal perceptions. Be as elemental uranium, free of all toxicity, and vibrate harmonically ONELOVE within the oceanic waters of the ONE.
There are NO coincidences, as you know!
One must release all pre-conceived incoming daily informations, moment by moment, in order to transcend more smoothly into, the now available, inexplicably glorious shimmering realities. Yesterday's news is old bread! Give it to the birds and FEED YOUR SOUL with new food. Omni-verse reality informations are rapidly arriving from off earth star brothers and sisters at an ever-increasing quantum rate as gifted loving service from your fellow earthly human anchor funnels. These informations are all here to assist one to "see through the murky waters" of 3D earthly realities.
the 13D inflow is here for ALL who choose to tap into it!
Believe, for it is beyond your wildest and most enchanting dreams of JOY!
Stay in ONENESS, within the heart, IN TIME!
Anchor anchor anchor this unified cosmic resonance!
as you maintain and modify your crystal altars AT HOME!
Now it the time to reside in the fluidity of Golden Grace. Focus on receiving through your infinite and ever-expanding telepathic multi-skills.
Remember this is beyond mind perceptions,
so relax, breath, listen to the birds,
This is another LULL before the next BIG STORM. Those who reside in golden unified one-ness, you know who you are, are in Golden Protective Bubbles. Keep giving fully to The Fellowship of Oneness, from whatever physical vantage point on Earth that you find yourself. All is correct. Do not worry.
Fires will spew from HER core, yet the hummingbird's sweet amrita protects you entirely.
in joy and love,
these messages are nectar for your soul,
blessings and posterities of peace,
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