Channelled writing is always such a precarious means of expression. It comes from an inner prompting of the soul to reveal information from beyond the normal perspective of the ordinary here and now. It takes great courage, centering, harmonic balance and energy to do it. I have been writing in this way for over 20 years and actually it feels quite normal to do so, and yet there was a time of adjustment before I felt comfortable in the process.Oftentimes, the transmissions were in the form of light poetry or short stories, but now the inner promptings are coming from, it feels, deeper collective soul record banks.
It is an urgent message of prophetic clarion call!
I would normally hold out and keep these scribblings to myself, in my own personal journal, but now the
Urgency Call, creates a responsibilty within myself to share this with whom it magnetizes too, out into the global ethers, if you will.
I am, and have been a messenger from the stars, incarnated in earthly form.
As with many of you, this will ring a bell, and be a big AH HA moment for you as well, since we are all one in the same.
I speak to those of you who magnetize at a higher rate..this is not to exclude..but it is simply to provide a higher filtering transmission of information into the now. It will reach individuals who already reside within the 5th dimension. This means that you have done A LOT of work up to now! and I congratulate you in your brillance.
You have already worked on fine tuning your diet considerably.All those ups and downs in the grocery store trying to figure out what you should eat now, for each level of ascension work provides new nutritional needs.
You have already gotten used to walking on clouds, and grounding continuously through your walking meditations and visualizations.
You already live in divine union. This is your natural state of being. So Yoga IS! but some of you may still practice it just for fun in its various forms.
Dreams are becoming more real and 3D Reality is becoming the dream! Your moments are in a constant state of deja vu! You are literally walking into YOUR dream! Many of you have found the new peaceful world already and are just about ready to walk across the threshold. Don't worry you will still be able to BE here as well as THERE! Stay out of the mind because it gets too confused with this. All of a sudden you will just find yourself in a better experience of living. It is like a dream radio channel tunes into your own personal nirvana station and your favorite song will be playing too!
You will also find that you will be carrying on with your advanced soul studies in other realms. sometimes you will be in healing centers teaching new techniques and then at other times you will be the student in Mayan cosmology, then maybe you will be on Alcyone at the Pleiadian university library doing galactic research! Little by little the self becomes "used to" its multidimesionality.
Astral travel becomes a cinch! and bilocation is the preferred means of travel, since all the airports are shutting down now anyways and the petrol is running out! The severe storms, floodings, snowfalls, earthquakes, volcanos will increase and will thus make physical travel more difficult anyway.
Telepathy will supercede telephone technologies. Many of you are masters of psychic communication anyway. As the cosmic waves of increased frequency arrive to earth, at faster and faster, tighter and tighter rates...the systems will shut down also. We will then have full access to the Universal Web free of charge! The grids will shut down soon.
Little by little, our inherent galactic human gifts will be completely activated. Most of our DNA rewiring has
been completed by now,
and now the fun begins...
It is of crucial importance to NOW get yourselves located somewhere you feel safe (your guides will help but you must pay attention to the signs). Obviously there are safer physical places to be on Gaia than others. SHE will tell you where to go. Do not hesitate to pick up your belongings and make the physical shift now. The chips are falling now! If you have been waiting for the signs to be right, consider THIS to be your kick in the behind, out the door. Obviously, you know already the places to avoid. Now fine tune it to a few choices of where you can go and DO IT! Do not stay on any major coastlines, leylines, earthquake fault areas, eruption zones, cyclone or hurricane spin areas.
Again these messages have come to me loud and clear over the past week. I have been told in previous transmissions over the past years that we still had time, but now it is clear I am to transmit to you that THE TIME IS NOW!
And in humble service to you all, the one family of Light, I lovingly share this information. Please feel free to respond and share in anyway.
Remember IN LOVE we all serve.
Blessings to each and every one of you!
in loving-kindness,
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