Thursday, May 5, 2011

Seal Operative Gatherings

Natural phenomenon has revealed its secretly covert operations. Actually, put another way, secret natural agenda overrides all other agendas. Times are toughening up for all earthly agendas. The falsness of reality becomes apparent to inner perceptual truth gauges. Higher beings are weaving higher plan threads at an increasingly fast pace within the earthly fabric of all daily upgraded galactic human blueprints. One's purpose is to consciously anchor the new layers of this multi-layered galactic plan to earth now. Many are receiving dreamstate vision access now of current natural earth activities. Dolphins, Whales, Seals and many other aquatic helpers are TRULY in full operation now. This entails an elaborate perfected compassionate plan of action. These beings are physically incarnated Higher Plan extended family members to human form
Adjusting to these concepts stretches one's reality thresholds, yet it is time to consciously work together with our fellow extended Light Family more concretely and DIRECTLY. Use your intuitions to further your connections....create 9D medicine wheels, healing Atlantean altars or sacred water spaces, do meditations at the beach to consciously connect and call them physically to you, etc. Do anything that inspires you to make even an deeper connection than EVER before.It is in your collective best interest and wellbeing status. Create and nurture these relationships, now, for it is through this highly conscious light connection that the LIFT-OFF ascension will be possible for all human skin forms. Many are doing this but quantum is the key, more must consciously be directly involved in the process now. Spout your truths collectively to the world! This actually may appear to be extra or additional work for you, yet it is not; you are being nudged to re-invent work, and blend previous work ideals, to a more evolved and efficient level of labor-joy. Many MANY many of you are struggling with this very nature of "work" right at this moment. Remember that life as we knew it, is no longer.It is clear right livelihood must evolve to better more efficient form. We have to re-invent and re-create from the muck of the chaotic mindset/ways, new forms of existence and new forms of sustenance. Tune into the higher natural intelligence of all oceanic beings.They await to assist you, but you must consciously ask! Establish a direct telepathic link and you will receive fresh GOLDEN GUIDENCE, in the nature of recreating the established world as you have known it. An exterior job crisis is at hand, which exacerbates the internal nodes of the heart. One must breakfree and create new paradigms of working sustainablity. The purpose here is collective harmony and happiness for the whole. So many human-forms are feeling this crunch of ideals. Radical ideas MUST come forth NOW, to pave the way for new SOLUTIONS to unfold and flourish in this fertile world of expression. The power of necessity is in the now. Jupiter shows herself for this reason...tune in to all celestial shows and energies..they are not to be overlooked either...these links assist in the collective co-creative process....heightened radical ideals are here to create new form. Find a new corner on the market, as false markets crash, fresh, splashingly playful ways and opportunites are just around the corner just for your FUN!. Fear not the strangeness of new thoughts of creation, as all stages in time have revealed the same crossover point. Evolution unfolds to Heightened Realities in Form.
Celebrate that you have been chosen to herald in the NEW GOLDEN EXPERIENCE.
Those of you sensing exteme anxieties now, can breathe easy now, knowing that this is all happening to inform you that YOU ARE PLAYFULLY TO FIND NEW WORK EXPRESSION! Think of something that has never been done before and DO IT!
Move forth in your greatness of expression. Push yourself beyond the common dull expression into realms of magically miraculous forms of living and healing expression. Take your great ideas and deliver them in your cart to market! Use your current 3D to multi-D assets and expand upon them, tweak them to the newly awakening audience of evolution. Blend the tools at hand with your newly found and discovered enlightenment tools, bringing consciousness into this current moment of collective earth sustainablity.

May these working  words of joy serve you all, dear Family of Light,
together, we are GOLDEN fields of productive economy!
beluga blessings,

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