Saturday, May 14, 2011

2012 Zero Point Preparations, Zero Cost

Lotus lily messages have been arriving to pull all from chaos-shadows further into solid Light awareness levels. Collective Ascension is underway. These loving messages are freely shared with those who magnetize themselves to them as a result of dedicated Soul Path Work. The lotus lily leaves and blossoms literally rise above the waters at this moment, these words will uplift you and assist you to rise above your natural Earthly circumstances. Enlightenment symbolized through a lotus flower, rising from darkened waters to clear waters of Source. This message IS for you. This is to inform you that you have been chosen by Light Family affiliates to receive a heightened and advanced Golden Soul DNA Attunement through these words, AND also through a lilli Full Moon Master activation on May 17th. Golden Realm Beings are sending a message to all of you now. Soul attunements will be put forth for ALL WHO CHOOSE at no charge to all those who choose freely to receive them for the next months ahead. Wesak festival energies of this month of May are master realm initiation moments not to be overlooked. Now is the time. Place your sacred glass of water on your altar and drink it up! Full-hearted intentions must be clear. Therefore to clearly insure your own personal DNA activation intentions your fellow Cosmic Light emmissaries ask that you please send a photo, privately to lilli, that resonates with your beingness and which also includes your name or a 'frequency' name of your choice.This is for commitment and to anchor the Golden energies soldily into Mother Earth's core. This opportunity is beyond this world, fantanstic, and it comes to you WITH THE DEEPEST LOVE for the greater good of all involved, on and off this earth. It is ONEheartedly, a message of LOVE and of  PEACE. Through Higher guidence a collective activation will take place through the help lilli vehicle. Simply join in only if this resonates with you, for this is not for sceptics or those in doubt. There must be 100% heart-to-heart commitment, and obviously the Light heirarchy will filter through all Lightbodies for Truth. Golden Light Soul Activations are a gift to this world, and this informs you that they are now available due to the tremendous collective compassionate Light inflow work you have all done personally and together as ONE. This is one of the many rewards you will receive. You are joyfully honored.
lilli vehicle, as part of the ONE PLAN, has been prepared for this Golden Moment for over 20yrs, and the collective call is now. Honoring all Life, this Beingness is fulfilled through all incarnate souls. Light encodements will arrive quickly and intensely from here on out. Partake in these unity preparations through free will, and know then that smooth sailing is your chosen vehicle.

Deep within your Golden Soul,
I AM the very voice which calls you forth,
drink from the living waters,
and be renewed in Presence,
to the Omnipresence of Soul
Snowy peaks await you,
as this crystal core wand touches and activates all anja points,
Blossoming Golden Lotus crowns
a blessing,
to follow,
in deepest gratitude,


  1. How might I send you a picture and name privately?

  2. Please send your info to

    or just join this site, anonymously ;-)

    Tell friends and family!

    Join in, every month, on the 5D Momentum taking place right here on Gaia!

    peace, lilli

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you so much, Jillian Willow! The ascension is like popcorn going off these days! It is truly a miracle happening right before our eyes! Collective conscious awakening IS happening on this planet, what a joy to participate in this process of phenomenal positive change!
    Golden Liquid Love Light infinite Cascades to you, sweet sister of the Light.
