Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pleiadian Star Message

Dear Ones who embody the soul star, I speak to you directly,

A merkabic vehicle uplifts you daily, beyond the skin realms of the third direction. An implosion is taking place, a folding in of realities
that is unprecedented, and will continue to be so from here on out of time. Zero Point is here for many, that eternal moment of joy that is
to be experienced by all of you, one by one. Golden Souls in the Golden Realm Existence on Earth. Gaia will stir her soup again into new beginnings, she has
had enough and the scales have tipped in her favor. Again another cycle, upon infinite cycles, completes itself in time evolution, a portion of which humanity has shared but a
drop of her presence in human time, in a collectively selfish act of consumption, now it is her turn to reclaim that which has been temporarily borrowed from

Join in on the merkabic geometric collectives across Gaia now, as light collective ships can now lift up the individual light body KAs now. Practice this procedure daily.
These are test runs, for now, but the time will come to join in on the "real" sky plan soon. I am speaking to you, to those who can adsorb these words. All will be consumed into New Freshness.
It will be a temporary, in-time, experience, that will feel like a second passing, no more the dust will settle......all will be in silence, as nature settles into its New Beginnings, when the birds begin to sing anew to you, then you may return to collect the blossoms and berries, once again.

The Great Swooshing away is almost here. Water seeks its own level, as each stone falls into its proper place returning to Deep Sea of Source. Those who have chosen to resonate with Gaia will transcend and ascend with her and their fellow Light Family members. Fifth World is presenting herself, a new garment aspect
of Mother Gaia. She is wearing Her fresh new glistening rainbow radiance. It is another onion layer of reality that can be entered now by many, crossover, and taste the magic from time to time, as you progress into
new understanding of what is taking place. Take it slowly, but enter often in to the freshness of Her verdant Bliss. It is your treasure of inheritance to receive Her gifts now. The Fifth Stage IS NOW an etheric solid reality
in which instantaneous manifest realities take place. Think passion fruit, manifest passion ...fruit. Then eat and share blissfully til your heart and stomach are content. Explore your new found gifts which are wildly magical and
ever-present at your fingertips. Jump as high as you desire, and bounce into the new paradigm of pure peace and love. Share your heart-felt desires and passions with others who have earned passage on Mothership's new etheric layer
of 5D collective creations. It is you, Grand Golden Being of Pure Potential who has done this glorious project of co-creation with All That Is, which includes the collective loving service of all your fellow activation Light Body Humans. Humans who have activated
Galactic encodements of their DNA consciously into expanding service with all of you. This is a Conscious Collective Love Paradigm project of great success.
read the fine print!

stay tuned!
luminous blessings,

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