Real Action is upcoming, OUR journey through the higher dimensions is at hand, though many are not even aware of the present cycles, YOU ARE. The Opportunity is NOW, as you transition out of the last 6 months of Time, these next moons will be absolutely crucial. Final success is unfolding in duality to mentor other souls BEYOND, serving higher Self as one simultaneously serves Earth. Harmony, Peace, Love...IS. The Earth has transitioned to these next Light portal points to wakeup Those Who Choose, just in time to take back treasure-true inheritance within the New Earth manifestation experience. Legions of souls are helping, many many Light realm collectives are here in divine loving radiance to continue to assist in serving you, as you ask, and as YOU also serve others WHO ASK in form, as you calmly ground the positive love changes on earth. Time speeds up to then dissolve into all these wonderfully perceived creations. Universal One Love will be The Way. All else goes down Kali's drain. Stay away from all sucking energy holes in form lest you go down with them. The hourglass moment is here, slimming us down to nothing but light. Take nothing, and BE ALL, HAVE ALL. Your Light bank accounts will rebuild all that is lost to maya-illusion. Put on only technocolor coats of woven High Quality fabrics only.
YOUR Golden Soul Light Code Matrix is intact! The golden nugget of truth in your heart is all that matters. Wave upon wave of unending golden cosmic rainbows flow forth, continuously from the many cosmic calendar dates. Please stay TUNED. Centering LOVE in heart is everything.Those who are participating in dreamstate conscious work receive already the homework format seeds, and many others will actually receive coscious activations which will be increasingly more and more powerful and electric to further uplift luminous humanity. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to retain a clear and clean vehicle of body essence at all times from here on out. YOUR Light Vehicles will be further shined during the next cosmic download dates. 10 days prior to and following this current window of early June new moon/partial solar eclipse energies are presently underway, as this Super moon of rare form oozes changes to impact our communication in all aspects of New EVERYTHING! It is the grand kick-off of ALL transformational projects on earth. Many of you are still reeling from May personal/planetary/cosmic/galactic events, yet now June is here to bring forth some firework shows, literally, on top 10 news. It is asked that you stand UP within the LIGHT PRESENCE, THAT WHICH YOU ARE. It is time to stand up for the Rights of the Light! The Sacred Divine Feminine is back and she is here to stay, to partner with Her Beloved, to birth New personal/planetary/cosmic/galactic Beginnings. She merges with her counterpart in perfect harmony. Instant seeding takes place to co-create every harmonic particle of GAIA NOVA. Hermes-Gem will open up all trades, all means of contact, channels, art, music, internet, alternative concepts, all voiced LIGHT, all projects of compassion! You have LIGHT rights and LIGHT needs. Fly to new heights collectively with exuberant excitement and responsibly tranform and create! "Arrival" is anticlimatic because YOU ARE HERE in your Golden-ness! Sip your celebratory tea collectively and rejoice! Sacred Freedom is yours. There will not be much "normal" awareness that indicates OUR dimensional shifts but it has actually happened and will continue to unfold more. Quantum shifts....10x10x10x10xinfinity, over and over on and on...3396xyz123 can be repeated as a helpful mantra many times a day. Numbers help more at this point. It is that simple! Those of you who are aware, please take those close to you by the hand, if they desire, to be in presence with you and follow the LOVE rainbow pathways beyond. Experience will truly show you that much is taking place. Many who have already received Golden encodement re-activations are aware that life is already full of magic. Light phenomena is very common now...all the colors of the rainbow are just fine. Sparks of blue beingness and glittering splashes of pink light, golden shimmering is all good when grounded firmly and lovingly to Pacha Mama. Many also have already received personal miracle aurum gifts in their moments to confirm au-79 Soul realm goldprints : maybe you stepped into that Light profession, maybe a soul-love has re-entered into your life to buy the earthship, maybe a condo was sold, maybe a physical healing took place, maybe money arrived in your account like magic, maybe a LIGHTbook appeared in your hands, maybe you got that ticket to the beach vacation, maybe you avoided a geophysical disaster, maybe a loved one transitioned to actually lovingly serve to help guide your steps further to the light...all this bridging your personal perceptions of everchanging real realities. It is clear that SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!
Spiritual re-initiations are fluidly accelerated for those who say YES! Encodements will continue to flow to you, infinitely through your open vessel channels. Dreamstate help will always be there for you, if blockages occur every now and then, do not worry. June 15th will reveal a collective response to chaotic duality transcended. We KNOW that it is not over, yet we remain ONE COLLECTIVE HEART. The Divine Loving strength which flows forth creates and fills our needs with Light Projects. Spirit in Form arrives. Material Spirit Projects through Love beingness! Future IS Light choice ONLY. As Neptune pauses we ponder our collective Future Dreams. We Make It Happen. Old dissolves in to THENew Plan. Complex solar system energies assist in this process. Jupiter is BIG, so THINK BIG. Humanity awakens more and more into in-fusion. Light encodements will arrive fast and furious, nonstop, you must breath and anchor....and SIMPLY LOVE. It is recommended that again refinements of the physical vessel take place a bit more, also, to keep in TUNE with these incoming energies. To receive is the gift, to later give you a smoother ride in your travels. KNOW this to be true, that any positive growth improvements you make, however little they may appear, are monumental in your akashic keepings. Love your SELF into Shining Radiance. Eat well, purify, love abundantly, drink pure, move to poetic motion daily, reflect, mourn quickly the imagined losses, let go, meditate, find union centering IN EVERYTHING. Keep Golden Divinity your priority.
Golden Soul Templates are full fused into the body. This means that all Full Golden Soul Potential Incarnation contracts are in full force, this simply means that your wishes manifest. Believe! Remember,
10 days before AND after each eclipse date (THE NOW WINDOW & June 15th & July 1st) will appear to destabilize ONE, yet this is not so. Simply pull back and care for SELF. These are opportunistic GALACTIC PORTAL DAYS, not to be missed, BE PRESENT, it is in your best interest and wellbeing TO BE. Find nature, find peace. Summer solstice, June 21st, is THE FULL LIGHT DAY. It will be bigger than ever experienced, and no doubt your light vehicles will respond well! The positive gifts and conscious impact of these moments is mammoth, and then they will simply become extinct. You become a walking Song of Light through these doorways. Walk through, and BE HERE! Language codes will time release and fire day by day, and this will make things easier. YOU will KNOW!!! Focus attention on exalted exuberance instead of time travel ascension symptoms. Light intentions must be proactive and progressive. Advocate LOVE Progress. Sing LOVE, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE inside and out! Laugh and love as the layers peel away. Practive laughter yoga, by simply smiling and laughing into UNION YOUR Shining Self! THEN share your smiles with the world. IT REALLY NEEDS IT!
An open ended offering is still underway to all those who need Light H.E.L.P. (Help Everyone Love Please), so please come forward and ask. This lilli Temple Self remains in Loving Service to All who are lovingly magnetized. (please comment here or write to YOUR GOLDEN PROGRESS SERVICE lovingly continues (for YOU loving multitudes who responded) and OPEN continued response for FREE GOLDEN DNA SOUL TEMPLES is still gratefully received and welcome (to those who choose to JOIN THE WAVE NOW), lilli intends to wholeheartedly answer all emails and requests for continued Golden activations and Golden soul Balancings through your emailed resonance photos and resonance names. COLLECTIVE Light Service is much needed at this time. The work is 24/7 as many of you are well aware. Your Golden Light Presence is gratefully acknowledged. Sharing is caring of the HEART.
A World of Happy Faces is The Way,
SEE Terra Nova, New Earth NOW!
In celebratory awe,
for the gem that you are,
to this world,
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